Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Three Things That You Do Not Know About Islam

As you read this you are urged to do some research and verify for yourself the facts that are about to be presented.

1. Islam has not been hijacked!

That Islam has been hijacked is what non-Muslims have been repeatedly told. They mistakenly believe that all religions are basically the same.

The reason that non-Muslims are so easily confused is that most people don’t realize the difference between the Quran and every other religious document that they are familiar with.

The Christian Bible is a collection of writings from various authors written, sometimes hundreds of years apart, with Parables, Advice, and Dreams all compiled into one book.
The same is true with the Jewish Torah.

Even those in the west who are neither Christian nor Jews are still familiar enough with these religions to know this much, and therefore we assume the same is true for the Quran.

But the Quran is only one book written by one man in his own lifetime.

It is meant to be taken literally and is not full of symbolism or vague analogies.
The Quran is mostly direct commands.

Of course the Quran contains contradictive statements like many of the other religious books, (the Bible not included) but the Quran itself lets the reader know what to do with the contradictions.

It is explained in the Quran that if you have two passages that contradict each other, the one that is written later will always supersede the earlier statement.

Most Westerners are unaware that the peaceful, tolerant passages were written early in Mohammad’s prophetic career. According to the Quran those early passages have been abrogated by later, more violent and less tolerant passages.

With that information we can now understand why we are confused when we hear Jihadists quoting violent passages from the Quran and then peaceful Muslims quoting peaceful passages, we cannot interpret the meanings as we would if we were listening to someone quoting the Bible of the Torah.

Do not think that there are different contradicting passages, as those who know the Quran fully understand that in Islam there is no picking and choosing of the verses as the Quran says in no uncertain terms that a Muslim must not alter or ignore any part of its clear and direct message, or they will burn in a fiery place of torment forever.

2. Striving to institute worldwide Sharia law is a Religious Duty.

Many people don’t realize how politically oriented Islam is at its core.

In fact Islam is less of a “religion” than it is of a “religious ideology.” It includes a mandatory and highly specific legal plan, for the whole society: Sharia.

There is no separation between the religious and the political in Islam, rather Islam and Sharia constitute a totalitarian means of ordering society at every level including ritual worship, financial transactions, and contracts, morals, manners, beliefs, and punishments.

In the Quran, Allah makes it clear that man made government (such as democracy) and free speech (such as criticizing the Quran) are abominations and must be eliminated.

The modern expression of “Creeping Sharia” is used to describe the slow, deliberate and methodical advance of Muslim Law into non-Muslim countries. Official Sharia courts already operate in the United Kingdom and are handling cases ranging from divorce, and financial disputes along with domestic violence. Attempts to institute Sharia into the legal systems of Germany, Sweden, and other European nations are ongoing. Sharia has a foothold in the American legal system, now that a judge in New Jersey has stated that Sharia is compatible with the laws of his jurisdiction and can be practiced within the constraints of the American constitution.

It should be very concerning to you that drinkers and gamblers are to be whipped, allows husbands to hit their wives, allows and injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge, literally and eye for an eye, commands that the thief must have a hand removed, commands that homosexuals are to be executed, unmarried fornicators are to be whipped, and all adulterers are to be stoned to death. It orders death for both Muslim and non-Muslim critics of Muhammad, the Quran and even Sharia itself, it orders apostates to be killed, commands offensive, aggressive and unjust Jihad.

As written in the Quran, Sharia is the law of Allah.
Any other form of government is a sin
It is the holy duty of all Muslims to strive until all governments have been converted to Sharia Law.

3. Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims if it furthers the cause of Islam.

For non-Muslims this principle is called “TAQIYYA” and is another surprising concept of Islam.
While most other religious teachings of the world require truthfulness, the Quran instructs Muslims to lie to non-Muslims about their beliefs and their political ambitions to protect and spread Islam.

There are many examples of today’s Islamic leaders saying one thing in English to a Western audience and then saying something entirely opposite to their own followers in Arabic a short time later.

Deceiving the enemy is always useful in war, and make no mistake about it, Islam is at war with the non-Muslim world, until the whole world adheres to Sharia Law.

All non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are therefore enemies. With that as an accepted fact, deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable and even encouraged, if it can further the spread of Islam.

As a very recent example the Islamic American Relief Agency was seemingly raising money for orphans but in fact were giving the funds to terrorists. They knowingly deceived good hearted Western infidels into giving money to organizations that were actively engaged in killing other Western infidels.
Do the research yourself, this is not an isolated case.
Islam as a religion of Peace.
Muslim organizations worldwide continually declare that Islam is a religion of Peace.
But what does that really mean?
It seems easy for a Muslim to quote a peaceful verse from the early parts of the Quran while by following the principle of TAQIYYA, neglecting to mention the fact that it has been officially abrogated by later more violent verses.
According to the Quran the world will be at Peace only when Islam and Sharia reign in every country-and never until then.
This is why every Muslim can truthfully say that Islam is a religion of Peace.
If any of these points took you by surprise then there is surely much more that you still do not know.
This subject is affecting us now and will only be more ominous in the days to come.
I urge you to make a stand today.
You can ignore the facts that you have just learned.
You can continue along in the way of tolerance of everything , by hiding your head in the sand.
You can educate yourself to the enemy that knows no rule except domination.
Or you can do as Joshua urged the people of his day who were uncertain as to their future
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
The day is coming when you will be required to make the choice.
Join with Joshua, join with many others as we too take a stand and choose to serve the Lord, who is the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Enjoy the process of Sanctification

Sanctification, simply stated , is sweet surrender.

When one becomes saved, he takes Christ’s blood upon his soul.

In that, he receives divine mercy.
Sins are cleansed.

This is a divine act beyond our fondest imaginations.

When the saved one then becomes sanctified, he yields his all to Christ.

In salvation, one takes grace.
In sanctification, one gives all to God.

Picture yourself now standing before God.
In your hands are all that you have and are: wardrobe, vehicles, property, family, friends, wallet, health, or sickness, desires, reputation, abilities, dreams, future ambitions, finally death, and eternal destiny.

Lift all of this to God. Give it all to Him without reservation.

That is the surrender of sanctification.

You received at salvation; you now yield at sanctification. In that moment of submitting completely, the Holy Spirit accepted your all.
He then cleansed it in order to return it as holy to you. Now what you submitted is ready for the kingdom’s “good.”

At the time of sanctification, you are made pure by the Holy Spirit. He takes away your selfishness, stubbornness and stupidity which clung to things for you own welfare. In place of all that, He gives you grace to abandon to God.
Now you no longer live for self but for the Savior alone.When you were saved, your sins were blotted out. “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold , all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

How does the Christian remain sanctified?
Simply put: remain surrendered to the Holy Spirit in everything. Do not take back anything that you yielded to God. Leave all with Him; everything old, everything new, past present, future. As long as your soul submits completely to the Lord, you are continually cleansed.
This is all accomplished by His grace, not of works, lest anyone should boast of own human achievements

Grace saves us from our sins.
Grace sanctifies us from our sin nature.

Therefore, God receives all the glory.
Can one remain sanctified completely until death?
By an act of free will, one becomes saved and sanctified.
One chooses these opportunities of divine grace.
Likewise, the believer may exercise free will for holiness till death.
The decision is always left with us.
Less than total surrender is misery.
It is a double-minded life---living for God, yet living secretly ( and sometimes obviously) for one’s self.
This is evidently difficult and trying for the soul.
Total surrender is sweet in that it returns one’s soul completely to God. Instead of straining to plot one’s own benefits, one yields all such maneuvering to God. Therefore there is a freedom from striving in everything.

The ongoing life of sanctification then is perfecting perfect surrender. It is learning from the Holy Spirit how to consecrate the most practical items to God, all of life’s minors and majors.
It is being taught how to think with God (“the mind of Christ”).
It is discovering that material less is spiritual more.
Sanctification in this life has no conclusion but “more.”
There is always more to come upon in God, more to precision, more to uncover of one’s own self and of God’s self. That is why it is such and exhilarating adventure.
How then does “the law” enter into this sanctifying grace?
Is one at liberty to do as one pleases once one comes into this release?
Instead, one finds that God’s commandments are the key to freedom within. Therefore, the sanctified yearn for more of God’s statutes. (Psalm 119).
The Bible speaks of the “law of liberty.” This is one more aspect of the sweet surrender. It is experiencing being a slave to God in order to be free from sin and self-centeredness. These paradoxes are lived out dynamically in the sanctified walk.

When the sanctified read of God’s expectations(laws) in the Word, they become as delicacies to be enjoyed. Before sanctification, the double-minded believer shunned Gods laws for they appeared restrictive. After sanctification, the believer binds Gods laws to his heart for they are indeed liberating.

Abiding by Gods law releases one from being legalistic.
Legalism is adhering to man-made laws, even if the adherence is the dismissal of responsibility towards the stated laws of God.

Living by Gods law is not cold, sharp and unkind legalism,; instead, it is gentle, understanding and patient.

Satan thrives on a legalistic religion.

The Holy Spirit tutors the sanctified in the eternally true laws of God.
First century Judaism was founded upon legalism.
Jesus offered the truth which would set one free from such humanly manufactured bondage.
Live out the law of holy love and you yourself will be set free.

Strap the commandments of God to your soul joyfully; and in that you will be released from your chief enemy, your stubborn self.

Sweet surrender not only includes yielding tangibles and inner drives. It also includes pain, confusion, tormented thinking, betrayals of the past, disappointment, ponderings of suicide, doubts and dreads.

The true sweetness of this surrender is realizing that the Father is willing to accept these hurts for healing. Many have been made whole when they submitted those wounds of the heart which they thought they had to contend with till death.
“Cast all your cares…” (1 Peter 5:7 )
Sanctification is one of the most fulfilling dimensions of the gospel.

It is sad that it is not set forth more often. Our souls are made for this opportunity of grace. To lack this experience is to remain partially bound in spirit.

When Jesus said that He came to set us free, he meant it. Sanctification is that wide, open door.

Have you come to God with your all?

Have you stood before Him with everything?

Then have you yielded all of this, pain and pleasure to the One who formed you?
Let Him take this package for its cleansing.

Satan will lie to you that God will rob you blind, leaving you bankrupt.
Do not believe the father of deceit.

The Holy Spirit will instead make your offering holy, returning it to you for heavens sake.

From that moment onward, keep that package in Gods plan. In that , you will experience in the depth of your soul the sweetness of your on-going surrender. Such will continue, if you will it, till you see Him face to face when walking through the door of death, or at the time of the calling away of His church.