One of the most crucial and challenging commands Jesus issued is found in the Sermon on the Mount…”Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33)
Are we truly looking after our relationship to God “first,” before all other responsibilities and interests however necessary or desirable?
The unflattering reality is that Jesus doesn’t enjoy first place in most Christians hearts and days.
In all fairness, He’s not in last place either, but instead He’s somewhere near the top of our list of loves and duties.
Why is He not at the top of our life agenda?
Several things may account for this.
For instance, we may have neglected to destroy heart idols from our old life.
Or in these lukewarm times we may never have seen any “sold out” Christians who actually put Jesus first in all areas of their lives.
Or we may have seen others who loudly proclaim their zeal bur were frankly fanatical and scary.
Or we may have never been taught how to seek the King and His kingdom “first.”
How do we do this?
Specifically, we do so by seeking God first every morning, feeding on His Word, praying, and worshiping before doing other things.
In every situation daily, we first “give thanks” to God (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and go to Him about every question and need first, before seeking counsel and assistance from human sources.
We put God first in our friendships, turning away from acquaintances who impenitently practice sin and turning to others who live righteously.
We put Gods truthfulness first, confessing our sins quickly and thoroughly and abiding consistently in the light of full honesty before God.
We put the fear of the Lord first, choosing to stand in awe of Him and refusing to be overawed or intimidated by anyone.
We put Gods guidance first, trustingly following the leading of His Holy Spirit, even when we don’t know our ultimate destination.
We put Gods chastening first, humbly receiving our heavenly Fathers correction, whether through His Word, voice, counselors, or instructive interventions, and quickly changing our ways to please Him.
We put God first in our finances, giving His tithes promptly and our offerings cheerfully, prayerfully for divine purposes in diabolical persecutions.
We put God first in our worship, worshiping by choice, not feeling, and learning to always refuse to be offended with Him who is always good.
These are the “building blocks” with which we build a life of seeking Christ first.
And here is another hard fact to face: Putting Christ first means putting other people and interests second.
Are we prepared to say “No thank you,” to people in order to say “yes” to Jesus command?
And we ready for the ridicule and shaking of the head that comes when our choices and commitments cause other peoples wishes to be deferred or denied while we do the things Jesus wants first?
If we are wise we will choose to always please God and pray for those who take offense with us for doing so.
Remember, we cant have it both ways.
Would we rather make Jesus take second place?
Many Christians do just that.
Our response to Christ’s challenge is crucial for this reason: Were just not going to go very far in God until we put Him first, not religiously but practically and passionately.
Are you tired of nominal Christianity and ready to step boldly into phenomenal Christianity?
Then reprioritize your life.
Seek the King and His kingdom interests first.
Fresh life, flowing joy, and a new, deeper sense of Gods approval await your bold step.
Friday, October 22, 2010
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