Friday, October 12, 2012

Desire to become Gods inheritance

Many Christians consider their eternal inheritance, yet never consider Gods.

But the Bible tells us of His inheritance just as it does ours.

Paul prayed for us to receive a revelation of Gods inheritance: “that ye may know…the glory of his inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18)

Paul’s very prayer teaches us that Gods inheritance is not a new earth, city, temple, river, or mansion, but His overcoming people: “his inheritance in the saints.”

Mindful of this, Jesus called the Laodiceans and us, to “buy of me gold tried in the fire” (Revelation 3:18). “Gold tried in the fire” is not any precious metal but rather our most precious spiritual in God and knowledge of God proven in strong testing.

Christian overcomers “buy” this spiritual “gold” by trusting and obeying God in fiery trials. And as they buy it, they become it!

Job said that not only his faith and knowledge but also his soul was becoming “as gold” in his fiery trial: “When he hath tested me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10) . The Bible confirms that Gods overcomers, or tested, refined people, are indeed His “gold.” (Malachi 3:3 and Zechariah 13:8-9.) Because they’re His “gold” or most precious possession, they’re also “his inheritance in the saints.”

Consider these parallels between gold and overcomers.

 Gold is one of earths most precious and noble metals.

Overcomers are Gods most valuable and honorable servants.

Gold is found throughout the creation, in earths crust and seas.

Overcomers are found all over the world, in the “dust” of every continent and “sea” of humanity.

Gold is a mark of worldly wealth.

Overcomers are spiritually wealthy, or rich in spirit, Bible knowledge, insight, closeness to God, and confidence in Him.

 Gold is exquisitely beautiful, rare, and useful.

Overcomers exhibiting the “beauty of the Lord,” are found among Gods faithful few, and always accomplish His will.

 Gold is malleable, soft enough when truly pure to be impressed and molded by hand.

Overcomers are impressionable in the hands of God, who shapes them to His Sons image and their predestined work.

Gold is stable, unchanging in its appearance, density, and value.

Once taught and proven, overcomers are unchanging in their beliefs, values, and life purpose.

Gold is durable-virtually indestructible-unharmed by time, neglect, or weather.

Overcomers “endure all things,” regardless of the season, treatment, or “weather” God sends.

Gold is also an excellent conductor of electrical power.

Overcomers prayers, words, and deeds convey Gods life-giving power to spiritually dead people--and they live!

Gold is refined in blazing furnaces.

Overcomers are refined in fiery trials of faith and patience.

Gold overlaid the Ark of the Covenant, the place where Gods presence dwelt.

Overcomers abide in Gods presence daily and “they shall see His face” eternally.

Gods earthly throne, the Arks lid or mercy seat was with solid gold.

Gods heavenly throne will be surrounded by overcomers enthroned with Him to rule the nations.

Gold’s elemental symbol (Au) is taken from the Latin word aurum, meaning, “shining dawn.”

Wherever overcomers live and work, their lives are a dawning (first light or preview) of the coming kingdom of God on earth.

Gold has inspired dreams of false utopias, lost cities and places where gold was as plentiful as grains of sand.

Overcomers inspire visions of the only true utopia, New Jerusalem, “where pure gold, like clear glass” will be so plentiful it will be used to build the entire city and pave its street.

We dream of our eternal inheritance in this unique golden city, with its beautiful walls, mansions, boulevard, rivers and fruit trees.

But God has dreams of the unending rapturous fellowship He will enjoy there with overcomers, His golden inheritance.

Be an overcomer.

Get golden!

Behold Gods “gold”----proven faith in God and knowledge of God----in His word.

Buy” it, by trusting and obeying Him in your tests.

Become it---and part of His golden inheritance of overcomers.