This morning I read an article in a New York News Paper that paraphrasing stated that the American public was sufficiently worn out by the 2016 Presidential campaign, that it felt that it were time to take a warm shower and wash out our brains with soap.
I will have to agree with this idea, that in fact the American public is worn down, frustrated, and fearful of the results of such a media driven show of blatant disregard for addressing any issue of real importance to the present or the future state of our Nation.
With this in mind I would like to ask you dear reader, to change the direction of our thought toward who should be president of the US of A and take another look at what we are truly doing.
The adage is that “elections do not tell you the direction that a Nation is headed, rather they tell you exactly where the Nation is at the moment.”
The intent of the statement could not be more accurate, so at this moment we at d2lifeministries will do something that we have rarely done before and that is to become political for this moment in time.
There is no need to recite the history of this Presidential Election season, so we will examine instead the choices that are being forced upon us. As Americans we do not easily tolerate things forced upon us, as this is not in our historical makeup, yet that is exactly what the GOP and the DNC along with the liberal and conservative news media is doing to us.
On the one hand we are given the choice of a career politician, beltway residing, necromancing, deceptive, enabler of sex offenders, abortion on demand defender, LGBTQ banner carrying supporter, who at least once has been accused of experimenting in the same, security of nations compromising globalist, who in all of her political career has not accomplished one positive thing that most Americans can recall.
Along with this choice comes her political parties hand picked successor to the Presidency, a man who is very effeminate with a reason, a Jesuit who spent time in a Central American country, yet remained aloof from those he supposedly was to teach, a LGBTQ flag waving propagandizer, who has fought for abortion on demand, and who has and will place globalism before sovereignty and, prior to his career in politics made his living as an Attorney defending sexual predators, pedophiles, rapist, and murderers. Who also has not accomplished anything that most Americans would note as beneficial.
Then we examine the opposing candidacy which features one who is boastfully wealthy, politically ignorant in all realms, celebrity worshiping, misogynistic, tantrum throwing, usurper of the same laws that he would be required to swear to enforce if elected, who when confronted with past discrepancies denies those accusations until they are paraded publicly and then accuses those whom he has injured, of injuring him in return. Some have floated the possibility that if elected that he would immediately do a 180 degree spin and become as Cyrus the Great (580-529 BC).
Some who call themselves Evangelicals have embraced him, and yet they have nothing in common with this individual and cannot even recall one verse from their Bible which tells them that two who find nothing to agree on cannot therefore walk together.
This union is doomed to failure, no matter the outcome of the election.
This candidate has made the choice of picking as his potential successor a man of great character and moral integrity, who has been uncompromising in his opposition to most of the things that truly matter to the three candidates that we have examined thus far. This candidate has spoken against the actions of the top of the GOP ticket with candor and conviction when necessary. This candidate has opposed the LGBTQ movement and has suffered some of the consequences of his stance. He has signed legislation in his state that limits abortion on demand based upon a fetuses gender, color, or obvious physical characteristics. This man is marginalized by the aforementioned liberal and conservative news medias, because of his uncompromising faith in Jesus Christ, whom he names as personal Savior.
May I ask you now to consider this, please.
This election cycle offers no front candidate that is palatable to most Americans, yet we will vote for one or the other in the hopes that they will advance the agendas that we hold dear personally.
Before you cast your ballot please consider the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter 41.
This Joseph was elevated to the position of second in command which gave him authority over all of Egypt and allowed him to be used of God to make a way for the physical and spiritual salvation of his entire family.
Please consider who will be the potential Joseph and cast your ballot for the one who just may fill the office of Joseph in his generation.
Consider Joseph, second in command who was elevated for the sake of a nation.
Could this be a possibility in this election cycle?
Only you can make the decision if it is a possibility worth acting on.
One of the men who will be second in command has none of the characteristics of Joseph and one of the choices has already exhibited some traits of a Joseph.
We will elect a person who is corrupt, politically, ethically, and morally.
Would you vote for Joseph?
Thank you for reading and may God bless our Nation .
Monday, October 17, 2016
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