Thursday, February 8, 2007




King Solomon the richest man of his day, declared that whenever God blesses people He makes them rich: The blessing of the Lord it makes rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it,” (Proverbs 10:22)

The Hebrew word for rich (ashar) means to “accumulate”; and God gives this wealth without excessive troubles.

When men of the world acquire wealth, they come with the sorrow of excessive toil, anxieties, conflicts, and often wrongdoing and guilt.

But when God makes a person wealthy, they are free from all this heavy and harmful baggage. His riches are given by grace and just labors.

The Bible repeatedly shows God blessing His people with worldly goods, and it persistently points us to a higher ground.

It could be said in this manner “The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich….” or “To be blessed by the Lord is to be truly rich and untroubled at heart.”

Indeed to have Gods personal favor and blessing on ones soul makes one truly, eternally wealthy, the enviable owner of a rare peace and sense of fulfillment that money cannot buy, people cannot steal, and time will not corrupt.

Jesus spoke to the church of Laodicea, who were very wealthy in the terms that the world understands, as being poor: “ thou art….poor” (Revelation 3:17).

Yet He informed the Smyrnan believers who were materially destitute and were under intense persecution, that they were rich: “I know thy…poverty (but thou art rich) (Revelation 2:9.)

Why would He call these poor Christians rich ?

By being eternally wealthy Jesus knew true riches.

In His treasure chest He had accumulated riches such as this:

The accurate knowledge of Gods character, ways, and judgments: tested, proven faith in Gods faithfulness ; favor with God; sweet fellowship in and with Gods people; eyes to see the worlds deception; ears to hear the Holy Spirit speaking; senses that detect Gods guidance and warnings of satans diversions; penetrating insight into Gods Word; a revelation of Gods plan for Himself, Gods people, and the world; wisdom, or the ability to make right decisions; and a humble, God fearing heart.

Whenever bestowed, the true “blessings of the Lord” makes the believers “rich” in theses priceless treasures. They are true riches.

When God blessed men with large accumulations of wealth in the Old Testament, He never did so without making them spiritually rich.

He did this by testing them over every material possession (and relationship) that they had.

And test by test, choice by choice, they proved to Him in real life action that , unlike the rich young ruler of Jesus day, that they would choose to put their relationship with Him and a quest for eternal riches first.

In fiery trials God opened their eyes to see what real riches were.

And they never again idolized or clamored for material wealth, though in His generosity God delighted to “give them richly all things to enjoy”.

The only things they claimed as wealth was a right standing with God, and let their worldly riches come and go as God decreed.

What a great example these saints should be to us.

Do you want to be rich, as they were?


Jesus wants you to be rich also, in the blessings of the Lord.

“I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in fire, that thou mayest be rich” (Revelation 3:18)

Understand true riches, seek after the One True God, desire only His will, let Him use you for His glory, and He will bestow them on you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the message in these words.  I've read all of these blogs and appreciate them whole heartedly