Monday, April 9, 2007


“Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.: (1 Corinthians 15:58)

When strong or persistent trouble meet us, we naturally and rightly wonder if we have mistaken Gods will.

Perhaps sometime, somewhere, somehow, what we thought was His leading, was not His leading.

We recall well known examples of others who reaped trouble for following wrong paths.

Jonah encountered a terrible storm at sea because he did not obey Gods direct guidance.

When the disciples decided to go fishing when the Lord had ordered them to tarry, they fished all night without catching anything.

But there is another side to this issue.

Sometimes we meet sudden, sharp, or stubborn opposition when were in the very center of Gods will.

God summoned Abram to leave Chaldea and travel to Canaan-and as soon as he arrived a famine engulfed the land--Joseph obeyed his fathers call to visit and report on his brothers and they sold him into slavery. Moses obeyed Jehovah’s dramatic call to return to Egypt and deliver his brethren--and instead of Pharaoh releasing them, he increased their burdens. God lead Moses to take the Israelites to the Promised Land through the wilderness-- where they were met by “fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought.” Jesus clearly constrained the apostles to enter a boat and row toward the far shore of Galilee-- and that night a powerful squall nearly sank them. An angel from Gods presence released the apostles from prison and sent them to “Go stand and speak in the temple”--where, again, they were arrested and narrowly escaped execution. The Lord gave the Apostle a powerful vision ordering him to Macedonia, where he succeeded in converting only one woman and was later severely beaten and jailed without a trial.

Have you, as they did, obeyed the Spirits leading only to be rewarded with roadblocks, delays, perplexities, critics, and determined opposition?

Are you reeling with doubt and wondering if you were mistaken?

Don’t let the “afterwards” of obedience dismay you; calm down and patiently re-examine the “before.”

Was your path scriptural, or in accord with Gods written purpose, plans, and righteousness?

Did the Holy Spirit seal His leading by strongly impressing your mind with a portion of His Word?

Was you decision made in close fellowship with Jesus, with honest, open prayer accompanied by sustained deep peace?

Was your motive right, namely to please the Lord?

Is the path that you are pursuing in line with the calling, ministry, or gifting that God has given you?

Since taking this path, has God confirmed that it is His will for you?

Has He continued blessing your private fellowship with Him with fresh insights from His Word and given you inner peace, despite, the troubles and opposition that has met your efforts?

If so then you are not mistaken, you are a target.

The devil has targeted you for attack because you are in Gods will.

Why does evil do this?

He hopes to confuse, to turn, to discourage and confound you to the point that you step aside from Gods perfect will for the sake of comfort.

So consider the source of opposition and re-double your efforts to do that which God has appointed you to do.

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