Saturday, May 26, 2007



There are things that we as Christians should be so attracted to that at times it becomes impossible for us to maintain any safe distance.


In the midst of the pushing and shoving, calling as he went, a certain young lawyer made his way through the mass of people, “ Teacher! Teacher! He called.”

The central figure stopped; the crowd about Him responded.

Turning toward the voice, the entreated Teacher spoke. “What is it that you desire today friend?”

Here he was, a young lawyer, standing face to face with the Teacher from Galilee. He had heard so much about the man; the dead were restored to life in His presence, the blind were made to see. Some had even stated that a voice from the very heavens had spoken on behalf of this Teacher at a baptismal service.

Again the Teacher asked, “My young friend, how may I serve you?”

His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth as he struggled to ask the question that drove him into the presence of Teacher.

And then he blurted it out, in spite of himself.

“Teacher, I don’t understand. You have done so many wonderful things. And,…..your teachings,……I have never heard so many wonderful words. Some have said that you are a prophet, and some have even imagined that you could be Messiah.”

He went on asking, “Teacher, don’t you know who these people are that your are with tonight? Excuse me sir, but these people are---sinners-- tax collectors!”

There it was, he had said it and he felt better, and he felt worse at the same time.

How would this man called Jesus respond, to such accusations?

Jesus allowed His eyes to wander over those in the crowd surrounding Him.

It was true!

It was just as the young lawyer had stated. These were not the choice of the community.

These were not graduates of the schools of prophets. Yes some, were indeed tax collectors, collaborators with the hated Romans. And yes, there were some gathered among them that were guilty of far worse than that.

Jesus looked back at the young lawyer, and pondered whether he really wanted the truth or was he just here to point a Pharasitical finger at the Teacher?

Then the silence was broken.

“Friend. It is just as you say. Such were some of these. But is it not true that those who are healthy have no need for a physician? Can you not see and feel their need?”

“If you had one hundred sheep and one became lost would you not seek it out, to return it to the fold?”

“Friend, you and those who sent you should rejoice, that I have come, not to call the righteous, but the sinner to repentance.”

What weighty, unexpected words! Jesus, certainly knew who those were that were gathered around Him. And more than that, He was glad that they were in His presence.

This was just the crowd that He was seeking!

Again the lawyers thoughts were interrupted by the words of the Teacher.

“Friend, I have taught in your temple, and in the synagogues; but never have you responded there like these people do here. These receive my words gladly. Your rulers receive them with suspicion. These peoples lives are changed. Those you love become more cynical and distant. Can you fault me for associating with those who will let Me help them most?”

The encounter was over. Jesus turned, and the crowd moved on.

Our friend, the lawyer, was left to ponder Jesus words, and so are we.

For like the lawyer, we, too, face the danger of isolationism.

We read; “Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17), and upon reading we sometimes interpret it to mean, that we are to avoid physical proximity at all cost; and in some cases, especially for a weak or a new Christian, we should.

But to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, we should be known as “a friend of sinners.”

We must be seen at some non-church functions, visible, moving, working, but not ever stepping down from a higher standard. A standard given us by our Lord.

We do well to be in the company of saints. We should never feel out of place there.

But Jesus, at times, was glad to be in the company of sinners, also.

Jesus, found these people to have the most need for Him (Matthew 9:12,13; Luke 15:2-7.)

And since He came to seek and to save the lost, (Luke 19:10), He felt glad to be among the needy.

Jesus found these people to be the most receptive to the message (Luke 7:36-50).

There love and devotion to Himwas unequalled in the other circles that Jesus frequented.

The best of men can take only so much hostility and rejection; and our Lord still desires that fresh, unbounded love and devotion that flows from the Christ.

As His servants we should feel the most satisfaction, when we can bring such people to Him. And how can we be successful in that endeavor without following His example?

Finally, Jesus was glad to be among that group of people because He loved them (Luke 15:2, 11-32).

As a father loves a son, so Jesus loves a person----saint or sinner---with and unconditional love.

Regardless of what you do, He wants you. He loves you, He cares.

We should seek maturity to the point where our love is unconditional. Regardless of the lifestyle of man, whether drug addict, drug dealer, prostitute, homosexual, alcoholic, or any other.

Is our love unconditional, based upon social, or financial status, or do we seek those and structure our programs around them first and ignore the ones that Jesus called “the least of these?”

Are we, as Christ, friends to sinners?

A separated lifestyle is necessary to lift them, but a friendship is necessary to influence them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Something to think about:

In the U.S.of A. only 18.7% of the population of any community will be in church on Sunday or Wednesday.

Of that 18.7% of the population, when both natural parents are faithful to attend church together, 76% of the children of that family will attend church faithfully as adults.

When only Dad attends faithfully the percentage of faithful children drops to 51%, who will become faithful church members.

When only Mom attends faithfully that percentage drops to a miserable 17% of children who will grow into adulthood and be faithful in attendance to the local New Testament Church.

Seventeen percent of nineteen percent is equivalent to a little more than three percent.

We will be faithful to something, weekends at the lake, motorcycle club, or race track, mountains, or river, and the list goes on.

The god that mom and dad serve will be the god that our children serve.

Our children see faithfulness in us and they will follow as children and as adults.

In the book of Deuteronomy ch 6:5-9, our God tells us how to do this :

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

That folks is lifestyle evangelism.

It is not the worship of consumer items or goods, it is not the excessive consumptive lust that causes us to desire this name or that name on our backs, heads, hands, and as wheels that we ride on.

You are so consumed by the things of God that you cannot glorify the things of the world by advertising for those things which will subtly take our children.

He further tells us what to expect from our efforts.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

As our children approach adult hood and begin to display who they are, we can be sure that we will see in them exactly what they saw in us.

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Sometimes through the lives of our children.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Make known His deeds among the people ….. Psalms 105:1

One of the things that often impress me in the Old Testament, especially in the Psalms, are the godly hearts of some in old-time Israel, that display a more tender concept of God, and a much more affectionate fellowship with Him, than many present-day critics of Old Testament religion are able to acknowledge in their own lives.

Besides a religious awe, there was a sense of filial relationship toward God, and a truly loving exultation in His graciousness.

It is revealing and uplifting to travel through the psalms picking out the warm-hearted responses toward a Jehovah who is as compassionate as He is ineffable in holiness.

Here are just a few:

Oh how I love Thy law!….Psalms 119:97

Thy loving kindness is better than life…..Psalms 63:2-4

Jehovah God is a sun and a shield….Psalms 84:11

He crowneth me with loving kindness and tender mercies…Psalms 63:3

How precious are Thy thoughts unto me, O God…..Psalms 139:16-18

Whom have I in heaven but Thee?… and there is none on earth that I desire beside Thee.. Psalms 73:25

See how the psalm begins from which the text is taken: “O give thanks unto Jehovah! Call upon His name. Make known His deeds among the people. Sing unto Him. Talk ye of all His wondrous works.”

Is not that a delightful, eager enthusiasm, and does it not challenge us Christian believers who have become eternally saved at the infinite cost of Calvary?

Should we not continually “give thanks” and “call upon His Name” and “make known His deed among the people?”

How, then are we to “make known His deeds among the people”?

The psalmist gives us seven ways.

First he says, “Sing unto Him” (verse 2). Yes even if you have a cracked voice, sing your grateful testimony and let others hear. A faith that saves should be a faith with something to sing out about.

Second, “Tell of all His wondrous works”

Tell especially His wondrous works in redemption. Tell how He converted and saved your soul.

That which is vital should be vocal!

Third, the psalmist says, “Glory in His holy Name”

Instead of keeping your Christian enthusiasm severely under lock and key, let it be evident that you glory in the God who has saved you far-more than the rich man glories in his riches or the worldling glories in his godless absorptions.

Fourth, the psalmist adds, “Let the heart of them rejoice that seek Jehovah”

Grumblers and grousers never attract anybody to their philosophy, nor do grumpy religionists attract souls to Christ.

New Testament Christianity is a rejoicing religion---that was the secret of its original contagiousness.

Fifth, the psalmist counsels us, “Seek Jehovah and His strength”

From Him will come the joy and strength for our witnessing and singing and speaking and glorifying and rejoicing.

Sixth, “Seek His face forevermore”

That is, linger often in the secret place of communion with Him.

Seventh, “Remember His marvelous works that He hath done”

Few things are more stimulating than to remember what He has already done on behalf of His faithful people.

Every backwards glance of memory reminds us that “God hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad!”

Is it not an obligation of sanctified gratitude, to “make known His deeds among the people”?

Dumb statues, however beautiful, can never substitute for speaking witnesses.

Saturday, May 12, 2007







On this mothers day and the week to follow let us examine one of the mothers that scripture presents to us as a role model.

In the book of 1 Samuel ch 1 we are introduced to two women all married to the same husband.

One is named Peninnah whose name means pearl. Beautiful well rounded but hard and unyielding in shape and in heart.

One is named Hannah which interpreted is grace, forward and backward, as according to the spelling.

Grace going forward, grace going backward, full of grace.

Grace defined is generosity of spirit: a capacity to tolerate, accommodate, or forgive people

pleasing: a pleasing and admirable quality or characteristic (usually plural)

gift of God to humankind: in Christianity, the infinite love, mercy, favor, and goodwill shown to humankind by God

freedom from sin: in Christianity, the condition of being free of sin, for example, through repentance to God

The husbands name is Elkanah which is God created. In his recorded life we see nothing significant, apparently just another man going about life as best as possible.

The story of these people take place in a time when there was a lack of true Revelation.

1 Samuel 3:1 And the word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those days; there was no open vision.

Imagine if you can a time when the people of the day are so sinful that God is silent.

Why such a lack of prophecy?

Could it be that true revelation was rare because God was able to find so few who were truly faithful ?

Amos warned in Amos 8:11-12 that there would come a time when there would be a famine of the word of God. “Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord. And they shall wander from sea, to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.”

We see this in many nations , regions, societies, churches, and families, even today.

The most grievous of all famines, a famine of word of Jehovah; a time in which no true prophet should appear, no spiritual counselor, no faithful reprover, none any longer who would point out the way of salvation, or would assure them of the mercy of God on their repentance, and return to him. This is the severest of Gods judgments on this side of the worm that never dieth, and the fire that is never quenched…” (Adam Clark)

It was a time when there was a lack of restraint.

Judges 21:25..”In those days there was no king in Israel every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

No true prophetic preaching,….no moral absolutes, situational ethics,…do your own thing…..if it feels good to you do it,… after all no one has the right to judge sin.

Mother, those days look just like today, the key word today is “tolerance“.

Even the sons of the priest Eli showed no restraint.

1 Samuel 2:12 “Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial (a false God) they knew not the Lord.”

How sad that a man like Eli who was High Priest, and Judge should raise ups sons that knew not the Lord.

We should never make the assumption that just bringing our children to the house of God will be enough to introduce them to the Lord.

Though the sons of Eli, inherited the office of priest, they used their office for personal gain, and lived in immorality.

Eli, did little to restrain them. They knew their father. They were like him.

As a result of their sinfulness, they and their father died tragic deaths.

It was a time when there was a lack of respect.

Because of the sins of the priests of the day, the children of Israel began to despise the offerings to the Lord.

There followed a lack of respect for the house of God, the ministers of God, and the sacrifices to God.

When things are not done correctly in the house of God, and by the ministers from God, people will lose respect for the things of God.

In spite of all of this God is about to use one woman to make a difference.

One woman can make a difference.

One person can make a difference.

The one He chose was Hannah.

Eli the priest was sitting at the door of the house of God, while the world passes by on the streets.

It is business as usual for Eli, not taking the word to the people, but sitting waiting for someone to seek him out.

He looks up from his stupor and sees a family approaching him, and his eyes focus on one woman.

Perhaps he had never seen this type of brokenness freely and openly displayed.

1. Hannah came to the house barren.

She had no children, and desperately wanted to conceive.

Mother, have you ever come to the house of God Barren?

Perhaps in a different sense than Hannah, but barren nonetheless.

2. Hannah came to the house of God burdened.

1 Samuel 1:10 “And there was bitterness in her soul..”

The word bitterness can also be read as “heaviness”

Are you ever heavy hearted?

3. Hannah came to the house of God believing.

She prayed from her heart….her lips moved, but no words were heard…it was between her, and the Lord.

The way prayer should be.

She persisted 1 Samuel 1:12 She continued praying.

Some would say she prayed through.

She poured. 1 Samuel 1:15 “…I have poured out my soul before the Lord.”

Psalms 42:4 “When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me for I had gone with the multitude,

I went with them to the house of God…”

Lamentations 2:19 “Arise, cry out in the night…pour out thine heart like water before the face of the


She promised.

If God would bless her she would give the child back to the Lord.

What have you promised God that you are holding back on?

4. She prevailed.

1 Samuel 1:18 Her countenance was no more sad.

1:19 and the Lord remembered her.

5. She praised.

1 Samuel 2 records the prayer, and praise of Hannah after God answered her prayer.

1 Samuel 2:11 “And the child did minister unto the Lord.

Samuel would go on, and grow up to make a difference for the Lord.

Proper worship, integrity and holiness would be re-established in the house of God because of Samuel.

The child of a broken, barren, woman.

On this mothers day and every day you are blessed you are chosen you are favored, because from you can come the children that can change a world.

The children of your womb, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews, and even the children in the neighborhood who see in you, greatness.

Thank you Mother.

Thank you Grandmother.


Saturday, May 5, 2007



It was asked by Thomas in John 14:5,6 “How can we know the way?”

And Jesus answered it by saying “I am the way, the truth , and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.”

There is no other way,

There are many wrong ways.

Among them are

The Church:

Many millions of people believe that the church can save them, so they commit the salvation of their soul to the church.

But why, you must ask didn’t Jesus say something about the church if the church can save?

Because there is no religion, no priest or minister, no church sacrament, or ordinance, that can save your soul. You may join the church, be faithful to it, give all of your money, and still be lost. The church cannot save.


Be good, treat your neighbors as you would have them treat you, do not do anything wrong, observe the Ten Commandments and the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, obey the Golden Rule, do the best you can , and all will be well.”

Such are the answers that are given by a multitude of people with wrong thoughts and doctrines. Man could have a part in his own salvation. He could live such a good life that he would be worthy of Heaven.

Well, then why did Jesus not say so? Why did He not tell Thomas that morality could save him?

My friend, if I could save my self then I would have no need for Jesus Christ.

As a matter of fact if morality and good acts can save, then the death of Christ was the greatest atrocity in the history of man.

I might as well attempt to lift myself to the moon by my shoe strings, as to have the ability to be my own savior.

The teaching of Jesus:

No, my friends, not His teachings.

He did not point to His teachings when Thomas questioned Him. His teachings tell us how to be saved, but they cannot save.

His example:

There are those who ask the question , “What would Jesus do?” and then do likewise in as much as is possible.

Salvation cannot be obtained in this manner.

We all have a cancer, a great sin-cancer. And until that sin-cancer is dealt with, we simply cannot take Christ as our example. He was sinless, we are not.

The only right way

Jesus Christ

Yes, my friend, Christ and Christ alone.

His answer to Thomas was “I am the way.” (John 14:6)

Christ , the only Savior. There is no other.

Not the Church, not your works, not His teachings, not even Christ as example, but Christ Himself. He is the only way.

We are told by some today that there are many roads to God.

No where is it recorded that Jesus thought so.

Different roads lead to different destinations. The wrong road will lead to eternal damnation.

Only one road leads to Heaven and that road is Christ. “I am the Way.”

He did not say a way.

He said the only way.

The one and only way.

The roads of morality and religion do not lead to God.

Many peoples of different faith claim to know and to serve God.

Jesus says otherwise.

All that is called God, by some, is not the Father of Christ.

He is not the Way-shower. He is the Way itself.

You cannot ignore Him, for there is no other way that leads to God. “I am the Way, said Jesus, “No man comes to the Father, but by Me.”

Not by Mohammed, Confucious, or Buddha, not by someone named Pope, not by Mary, not by any graven image.

Not by organizational affiliation, not on the say so of a celebrity.

And not by Church or religion, baptism, or the Lords Supper.

Not by good works, or a moral life.

And most certainly not by the heart of hate that would destroy human life in the hopes of eternal reward.

Not by anything that you can do or another can do for you; but by Christ and Christ only.