Saturday, May 5, 2007



It was asked by Thomas in John 14:5,6 “How can we know the way?”

And Jesus answered it by saying “I am the way, the truth , and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.”

There is no other way,

There are many wrong ways.

Among them are

The Church:

Many millions of people believe that the church can save them, so they commit the salvation of their soul to the church.

But why, you must ask didn’t Jesus say something about the church if the church can save?

Because there is no religion, no priest or minister, no church sacrament, or ordinance, that can save your soul. You may join the church, be faithful to it, give all of your money, and still be lost. The church cannot save.


Be good, treat your neighbors as you would have them treat you, do not do anything wrong, observe the Ten Commandments and the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, obey the Golden Rule, do the best you can , and all will be well.”

Such are the answers that are given by a multitude of people with wrong thoughts and doctrines. Man could have a part in his own salvation. He could live such a good life that he would be worthy of Heaven.

Well, then why did Jesus not say so? Why did He not tell Thomas that morality could save him?

My friend, if I could save my self then I would have no need for Jesus Christ.

As a matter of fact if morality and good acts can save, then the death of Christ was the greatest atrocity in the history of man.

I might as well attempt to lift myself to the moon by my shoe strings, as to have the ability to be my own savior.

The teaching of Jesus:

No, my friends, not His teachings.

He did not point to His teachings when Thomas questioned Him. His teachings tell us how to be saved, but they cannot save.

His example:

There are those who ask the question , “What would Jesus do?” and then do likewise in as much as is possible.

Salvation cannot be obtained in this manner.

We all have a cancer, a great sin-cancer. And until that sin-cancer is dealt with, we simply cannot take Christ as our example. He was sinless, we are not.

The only right way

Jesus Christ

Yes, my friend, Christ and Christ alone.

His answer to Thomas was “I am the way.” (John 14:6)

Christ , the only Savior. There is no other.

Not the Church, not your works, not His teachings, not even Christ as example, but Christ Himself. He is the only way.

We are told by some today that there are many roads to God.

No where is it recorded that Jesus thought so.

Different roads lead to different destinations. The wrong road will lead to eternal damnation.

Only one road leads to Heaven and that road is Christ. “I am the Way.”

He did not say a way.

He said the only way.

The one and only way.

The roads of morality and religion do not lead to God.

Many peoples of different faith claim to know and to serve God.

Jesus says otherwise.

All that is called God, by some, is not the Father of Christ.

He is not the Way-shower. He is the Way itself.

You cannot ignore Him, for there is no other way that leads to God. “I am the Way, said Jesus, “No man comes to the Father, but by Me.”

Not by Mohammed, Confucious, or Buddha, not by someone named Pope, not by Mary, not by any graven image.

Not by organizational affiliation, not on the say so of a celebrity.

And not by Church or religion, baptism, or the Lords Supper.

Not by good works, or a moral life.

And most certainly not by the heart of hate that would destroy human life in the hopes of eternal reward.

Not by anything that you can do or another can do for you; but by Christ and Christ only.

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