Saturday, June 2, 2007

I have heard it stated that preaching the reality of hell is a little to intense for some audiences.

By preaching eternal damnation for the punishment of sin, the seeker may be repulsed and turn away.

I do not believe that and do not know how anyone who has studied and who believes, the teachings of Christ, that can make that deduction.

If a seeker is taught that he must be born again, (John 3:3) that Jesus is the Son of God, (Luke 22:70, John 1:3-4) that all who call upon Him will be saved, (Matthew 16:16) then he immediately is no longer a seeker, but is either a receiver of the truth of the gospel, or he becomes one who denies the truth.(Romans 1:18-22)

When ever there is no foundation in the mind of a person that there is a certain place of punishment, that persons concept of the purpose of the perfect sacrifice of Blood of the Savior is flawed, even to the point of their eternal damnation.

The price was paid to save a sinners soul from the reality of a literal burning eternal punishment.

Jesus believed in the reality of hell and spoke of it in terms that were very intense.(Luke 16:20-25)

If it was real enough in the heart, mind, and words of the one who created it, for those who follow after satan, (Matthew 25:41) then it should be real enough in any follower of Christ to not be afraid of teaching it.

How many people have we loved, and led away from the cross of Christ because we were afraid to offend their senses.

Love someone with the truth, if they reject the truth, you will not be held guilty, for they have rejected the message of truth, not the bearer of the message.

Hell is a very real place, it is intense, there is only one way to avoid it.

(Romans 10:9-11)

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