Saturday, September 8, 2007


Would you humble yourself to see HIM exalted?

There has never been a time of greater need in the New Testament church age for a heaven sent, Christ centered, Spirit given revival, renewal or manifestation of the presence of God as there is today.  September 09, 2007.

I am drawn to believe that never has the Christ who purchased the church with His own blood, desired to bring the spirit of vibrant life to those who are His.

The prophet Isaiah instructed the people of his time, and it continues forward to us, to “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God!” Isaiah 40:3

He not only call us to preperation, he also instruct us on exactly how to do this.

He describes the construction process for the road to revival in vs. 4 ‘Every valley shall be exalted….” telling us that every low spot is to be elevated.

Instructing us individually to no longer condemn or devalue ourselves because of past sin, failures, and foolishness.

Depression and hopelessness, must go!

We must remember the Christ in us, living with all of His graciousness, courage, and ability.

“We can do all things through Christ.”

We are loved and valued by our God and He desires to use us in His service.

Then “every mountain and hill shall be made low…”

Every high place that we have allowed in our lives must be lowered by excavation, or by explosion.

All of our inflated egos and attitudes must be deflated.

We should not think too highly of ourselves, but think soberly about who we really are.

No one is superior to another in the body of Christ.

All of us are dependent upon each other and at the same time are dependent upon no one but Jesus.

We lower ourselves when we voluntarily seek humility and obedience to God in all of our pre-ordained trials.

If we refuse submission to His design as His children, he will blast away with His chastisement, and punishments.

Lower us, from our self grandiose He can, and will.

A level path or an attitude of humility is required before any visitation either personally or corporately.

“And the crooked places shall be made straight…”

It can only mean that all of our crookedness must be repented of (turned from), any illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior must be straightened by an adherence to the righteousness in Christ, the biblical standard of what is right.

The straight and narrow “right-ness” is clearly revealed in Gods Word.

“And the rough places made plain.”

That is the hardness of our hearts,

It must go. We must give up all of our rights to be offended at Jesus over every “rough” experience, or perceived unfairness, loss, betrayal, or disappointment.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to dig and to unearth every hardened rock of offense that we have buried deep in our hearts, rocks of unforgiveness, anger, hate, resentment, distrust, self-pity, and by confession and rejection allow Him to assist in the removal of all of them.

Once these things are done, then the way is prepared and He can begin His desired visitation, with all of His glory exhibited, to speak, live, deliver, save, heal, baptize, sanctify and work freely among us, just as He did in every recorded move throughout history.

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

Isaiah 40:5

I WANT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you join me in preparing a road for His visitation in our churches and families and in our own hearts and lives.

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