For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewn them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.
Jeremiah 2:13I recently visited with a gentleman from my area that I know to be successful in all that he is involved with. Much of his success is found in the knowledge that he has garnered by being involved in the day to day work of his endeavors.
We talked some about water, the most common of all elements.
The most common of all, yet the most precious element in creation.
He explained to me that in our geographic local, there are two layers of water, the first in an aquifer that once was relatively easy to attain.
It is still attainable it just is not of the quantity or quality that it once was, as there are too many that have acquired it and then used it without regard to its value.
The water flows through the aquifer at varying depths and in varying media with sand being the most common. The sand becomes a contaminant that must be filtered out before the water is truly clean.
As pollutants leach through the soil and light rock they eventually get closer to the aquifer and if in ample quantity will taint the precious flow of water, making it something that while still desirable must be filtered to ever increasing degrees to become fit for humanity.
He told me also of a deeper reservoir of water, an ancient water, cleaner and purer with less sand and contaminants than the more easily accessible water, that is rarely tapped, and if tapped, precautions must be taken to avoid cross contamination with the shallower reservoir and the more prevalent contaminants found in the shallow water.
Oddly enough the separating barrier is a rock. A rock that separates the good from the better. A rock that must be penetrated by more work, more diligence, more desire, more hunger for a thirst quenching medium that is sweeter and cooler than any other.
The Christ is compared to a rock, In Exodus 33:21-22, He is the rock that holds us firmly as the glory of our God is revealed.
In the book of Luke 6:48, He is the rock that is the foundation of all that we build, toward His kingdom.
Romans 9:33
declares that; He is the rock of offense to those who will not believe, yet in His might those who believe will not be ashamed.1 Corinthians 10:4
“And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”We need the ancient water that the saints of old knew of.
We need the ancient water that is covered by the Rock.
We need the water that can only be tasted and experienced when all else will no longer satisfy and we are willing to fall on our faces and dig through the Rock by repentance, and prayer by seeking the deeper fuller purer things that are only found in the Rock.
The Rock that is Christ , the rock that separates the good from the better.
We need to overturn the broken dry cisterns that have been polluted for so long by doctrines of man and of demons and can no longer hold the refreshing water of the Spirit.
There are two layers of water in the apostate church age that we now see, one is easy to reach yet never satisfies for long. It sets above the rock, with many impurities.
The other is more difficult to attain yet those who truly find it will never thirst again.
John 4:11
“The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?”Vs. 12 and 13
Paraphrase; Dig deeper lady, if you settle for the water that is easily available, then you will need the same water continually. The man who dug this well did not know of the Rock.Vs. 14 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
The ancient water is available, it will require commitment to the Rock, it will take diligence and understanding.
Dig! Dig! Dig! just one taste of the ancient and we will never thirst again.
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