As the calendar speeds by, as our clothes shrink as our bank statement changes for the good or the bad, as our bones begin to pop and creak, as the seasons shift and as life turns we know that nothing remains the same.
All of those things and so many more are indication that our lives never stay the same yet are constantly in motion, sometimes moving towards the better, yet so often heading in directions that we would not desire.
It is the same in our spiritual walk, there are things that we need to guard against with diligence, and take all steps necessary to avoid the pitfall of falling headlong into apathy of our faith.
The following warnings are just a few of the signs that things are not as they should be in our walk with the Lord.
:You grow bolder with sin, or with the temptation to sin, than you were in your more watchful state, then be sure that something is wrong.
You make a small matter of those sins and infirmities which once seemed grievous to you and almost intolerable.
You confess but do not forsake sin
You acknowledge but still neglect your duty
You settle down into a course of religion that requires but little labor, leaving out the hard and costly parts.
Your GOD and Savior grow a little strange to you, and your religion consists more in conversing with men about topics read in a book other than in THE Book, the Bible the recorded Word of God.
You grow averse to religious conversation or the company of heavenly minded Christians
You delight more in hearing and talking, than in secret prayer and the Word.
You use the means of grace more as a matter of duty, than as food in which your soul delights
You become more concerned about pleasing some man or an organization who craves authority over you than you do about being pleasing to God
You are more afraid of being judged as too strict than you are of dishonoring Christ
You willingly miss the services of the house of God without just cause
The hopes of heaven and the love of Christ do not interest you, but you are thirsting after some worldly enjoyment and grow eager for it
You spend less time alone with God in Bible reading and prayer than in pleasing yourself with worldly things
Your cheerfulness has more of the levity of the unregenerate than the holy joy of the children of God
The things of the world grow sweeter to you and death and eternity are distasteful subjects
You grow hot and eager about some disputed point, or in forwarding the interests of some party of Christians, more than about those matters which concern the greatest cause of Christ
The faults of others are more a matter of censorious conversation than of secret grief and prayer
You make light of preparing yourself for the Lords day and the Lords Table, and think more of the outward ordinances than you do of your hearts condition.
WHEN: We forget that there is an immediate cure for all of our sin both chosen and negligent.
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me pure within?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can atone for sin
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Naught of good that I have done
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
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