Friday, August 7, 2009

We live in a day and time when people in and out of the church cannot define what Sin is.

This is a horrible problem in any society.

God has said in Isaiah 5:20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Whenever a people or a nation can no longer distinguish between good and evil, those people are quickly on their way to destruction.

History is full of nation after nation that fell from global influence to that of no consequence, and even into the pages of non-existence, when their standards of good and evil were changed.

We must have a way to determine right from wrong, good from evil.

We must have a rule that we live by, a standard, else we become no more than “blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both, shall fall into a ditch.” (Matthew 15:14)

In the spiritual realm there must be a standard for good and evil, or else we have no standard at all.

If good is an arbitrary standard based only on how I feel or think, then what about the person who believes theft is acceptable?

What then about the murderer, or the adulterer, or the abortionist?

How can any of us judge what is right or wrong based only upon what satisfies humanity?

The Bible tells us “that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)

Our spiritual compass is broken.
We are all sold into sin.

We must have a standard outside ourselves for right and wrong if morality is to be anything more than just a word.

The only true standard exists in Jesus Christ and the written Word of God.

Many are the souls who have been led to believe that salvation by faith in Christ does not require a changed life.

There is no truth in that belief according to Holy Scripture.

There were two thieves hanging next to Jesus as He suffered for us on the cross.
One of the thieves railed against the Son of God and said “ if you are the Son of God, then get yourself and us down from these crosses.” While the other thief said, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom…”(Luke 23:42).

The one thief who repented of his deed and had a change of heart was saved at that moment.
The other thief who had mockery in his heart, and who was unrepentant and loved his iniquitous lifestyle, was lost …….forever.

Scripture reveals abundant examples of lives who underwent a change of heart and were saved.

The woman caught in the act of adultery called Jesus, “Lord” and was saved.

The leper came to Jesus in Matthew ch 8 vs. 2 “Lord if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”
Upon the foundational statement of “Lord” he was healed by Jesus.

The centurion who called Jesus, “Lord“ in Matthew ch 8 saw his servant healed.

The blind men who said “yes Lord” to Jesus in Matthew ch 9 were healed.

Over and over again in Scripture we see that those who accepted Jesus as Savior and named Him as “Lord” and placed their very lives and souls to Him were saved.

It is absolutely false for someone to claim Jesus Christ as Savior, and yet reject Him as Lord.

It is absolutely false and completely unbiblical for a person to claim that he is a child of God, and yet wallow in the mud of sin, unwilling to take the steps to flee iniquity and to deny a life of self.

Those who are truly Christ’s become new creatures, children of God by faith in Christ and by the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit of God.

If you can claim the name of Jesus , then live like the one who bears the name that you claim.

1 comment:

Jakab said...

Amen Brother! This was indeed a great post. This society has truly lost what right and wrong is... because they have rejected the Word. We are in the latter stages of destruction, we look more like Romans 1 everyday.

And you are absolutely on point with Christ being both LORD and SAVIOR! I am glad to hear someone else speak the truth. It gets lonely reading the Biblical Truth in an immoral culture that denies it.

Thanks for this blog, sir.