Monday, December 10, 2007

Be Ye Separate pt. two






In part one we studied the Word of God according to recorded scripture concerning how a born again person is to distance himself from being too closely associated with the unrepentant.

In addition, we are told, regarding born again people that do not obey the Gospel, not to even eat with such people.

Paul talking about the wicked person says, in 1 Corinthians 5:11 “Now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother (note it did not say he was born again, but rather professes to be or is called born again) be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

In 2 Thessalonians 3:6 “Now we command you (note the directness of Gods Word) that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which ye received from us.”

This is God speaking to all that are reborn.

A person is to withdraw from fellowship with all unbelievers and also from all believers that do not obey the Gospel.

2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 is talking directly to believers as it says, “If any man obey not our word…note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.”

Offer correction to this person, admonish him, and do it in meekness and in the fear of the Lord, the Bible instructs us to do so. Gods word is always perfect and is profitable for correction.

Gods word tells you how to live as a believer. Every act of willful disobedience gives Satan an opening. The Bible warns us to not give place to the devil. He waits, he lurks, he goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Gods Word shows us that a believer is an abomination to an unbeliever, and that an unbeliever is an abomination to a believer.

Hear as Gods Word speaks from Proverbs 29:27 “An unjust man is an abomination to the just.”

If you follow Jesus, a person that lives in sin is an abomination to you.

The verse continues, “And he that is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.”

Even though your unbelieving friends may not admit it directly, the very fact that you are living for Jesus offends them, especially if your light shines brightly. You as a true follower of Christ are an abomination to them.

You may argue that, “No that cannot be true, not to my closest friends!” But you can be assured that it is true.

Two may be the best of friends, or it may be two of the closest brothers or sisters. Whenever one turns to Jesus and the other does not, the one that does not is offended. He cannot understand the light that shines in the other person. The darkness cannot comprehend the light. The light exposes the wicked deeds of the unrepentant heart; and thus the person who will not come to the light, to Jesus, finds that the true believer is an abomination to him.

The best of friends become separated, and close brothers are no longer close. The saved person seeks for his friend or relation to turn to Jesus; while the unsaved person detests the person that follows Jesus.

The unsaved person may attempt to draw the saved person back into sinful ways. It may happen in such a subtle way that the saved person becomes deceived and falls back into sin, into his old ways.

Do you remember the words of Jesus as His mother came to see Him?

Luke 8:20-21 “And it was told Him (Jesus) by certain which said, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee. And He answered and said unto them, “My mother and my brethren are these which hear the Word of God, and do it.”

The importance that Jesus placed on this is so great that it is repeated in Matthews Gospel as well as Marks.

As born again believers, our whole attitude changes. Our whole outlook changes. We no longer live for this world. We love God. We love to serve Him. We love to help people. We love to attend Church and desire the fellowship of others of like mind.

Drugs, drinking alcohol, parties, filthy movies, and defiling our bodies with substances that may even be legal, all become repulsive to us. Illicit sex, lying of any kind, cursing, and so much more we grow to hate; but to the unsaved, and unrepentant person, there is nothing wrong with these actions. And they will go to great lengths to legitimize their particular chosen sins and the sins of others.

As Gods Word has told us, what communion is there between the believer and the unbeliever?

They both have different goals, outlooks, and destinies. One lives only for this world, while the other is looking forward to the next.

One will be with Jesus forever and the other will dwell in the lake of fire forever.

2Corinthians 10:5 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience (note obedience) of Christ.”

You are not to choose continual fellowship with the unsaved, with those who exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

Satan works through people, time and time again, to try to confuse or draw the believer away from his faith in Jesus Christ.

Satan works through people to attempt to draw the believer away from serving Jesus. Satan will use people to embarrass and offend you.

Some will even use scripture incorrectly to draw you away from Gods perfect will.

Satan tried to do the same to Jesus.

He tempted Jesus with Scripture, but when Jesus used the Word back, the devil had to flee.

Study your Bible daily, and obey what it says.

You are to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, James 1:22

It is not those who hear the Word that will be justified, but those who obey the Word.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007




This teaching is not popular.

It is a word that many born again Christians rebel against.

God has set down guidelines for “His” people, for “His” saints; and God wants every believer to obey “His” commands, ref. Hebrews 5:9.

Most Christians seem to have the misguided impression that they can partake of Gods table and the table of demons as well. They think that they can live for God part of the time and live as they wish the rest of the time. The scriptures are full of people who chose to live this type of life, and they perished to a place in hell.

2 Corinthians 6: 14,15-17 “Be ye (that is you) not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?….What part hath he that believeth with an infidel (an unbeliever)? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye (that is you )separate, saith the Lord.”

If you have repented, then you have made a commitment to follow and obey Gods Word.

Lets look at that Word again.

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. You as a Christian are not to be tied together with an unbeliever. When you came to the cross, you surrendered to Jesus, to do “His” will. You are to follow what “He” wants you to do.

The verse continues. “For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?”

Or in other words, “What fellowship is there between the works of God and the works of Satan? What fellowship is there between a person who has surrendered to Jesus, and a person who is following Satan?” The answer should be obvious, there is none.

Once again; “What part hath he that believeth with an infidel?” (That is an unbeliever.) God classifies an unbeliever as an infidel. An unbeliever, up to this point, has chosen not to receive the forgiveness and the love offered by God through Jesus Christ. An unbeliever has willingly chosen to take sides with those who are opposed to the only begotten Son of God.

In Gods eyes there are two types of people.

There are those who follow Jesus and those who do not. The Bible tells us, if you are not for God, then you are against God.

Luke 11:23 He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scatters.

Therefore if you have chosen to follow Jesus, then you are not to be in fellowship with those who are against Jesus. Do not try to make it less than the Bible states. Do not make the excuse that they are not against Jesus, when the Bible has shown us that if a person is not for God (if he is not saved) then he is against God. The only way that a person can be for God is through receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life.

If a person rejects Jesus, then they are against God.

A born again believer has nothing in common with an unbeliever.

This is very clear and comes as a command in 2 Corinthians 6:17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord.”

This is God speaking directly to you and me. If you reject Gods Word, you reject God.

Gods word tell us not to have fellowship with unbelievers. We are not to become entangled with unbelievers; but we are to separate from all unbelievers.

Come out from among them.

If an adult or their child is dating an unsaved person, they should stop it immediately.

If any one chooses the unsaved as his primary friendships, they should stop immediately.

The scripture clearly states, in 1 Corinthians 5:13 “Put away from among yourselves that wicked person.”

Hard to hear, harder still to live in, yet it is the truth of the word of God.

Whenever we have heard the truth and understand, then we are with out excuse as to how we live from that point on.

Monday, November 26, 2007


November 26 2007

Prophetic fulfillment often comes in waves, or in clusters.

This week past and in particular this day, we have seen a mighty wave of fulfillment crash upon this generation.

Many peoples will tell you that there is no way that we can know when the time is near, yet our Savior has commanded us to watch and to know that the time is at hand.

Any student of scripture that is honest within himself and has no motive other than the truth will find it difficult to deny the facts that we discuss in this letter.

It is near even at the door. (Matthew 24:33)

First let us take a short look at some scripture that is very pertinent to today’s news headlines.

Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Joel 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshophat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Revelation 16:12 And the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

This is a very short list of scripture that details what we are about to see.

Today in our nations capitol the leaders or their hand picked representatives of forty six nations began to gather under the hopes of coming to some sort of a path to proceed to divide up the nation of Israel, in order to allow a type of peace to come to the middle east.

In 1948, the nation of Israel was born overnight by the words on a document that granted the Jews their very own homeland.

Since that day the world has struggled over the question of how to wrestle that homeland away from them once and for all.

The gathering at Annapolis Maryland will not answer that question, yet will reveal to the world once and for all, just how difficult this process will be.

There will be no permanent answer there will only be more questions that are to be resolved.

This meeting will open the door for the appearance upon the world stage of the one who has the answers and the ability to guarantee for a time, the peace, safety and security of the entire middle east.

Daniel 9:27

The biggest question to be answered will be what to do with Jerusalem, it is holy to Jews, to Muslims, to Christians, and more importantly to God himself.

Jerusalem is the city of David, the home of the past and future temples of Judaism, and the city from which the Lamb that was slain will rule in righteousness.

It must be divided in the opinion of those who hate the Jews, and yet it must not be divided by those who are Jews, and those who have been grafted into the vine that supports the Jews.

It is the one large glaring problem that the world faces. Zechariah 12:3

The world has decided that the nation of Israel must return its covenant lands to its enemies and be divided both geographically and socially. Matthew 24:32

God has insisted that He detests the idea and judgments will fall when it is done.

Joel 3:2

Today’s news declares that the Asiatic countries are determined to survive and to be conquerors of the coming apocalypse.

They are in covenant with each other and the bond is unbreakable.

A remarkable fact of what the Bible calls the “kings of the east” is that all of these nations The Peoples Republic of China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea all declared their independence in 1947, only one year before the key to fulfillment of prophecy (Israel) was established. Revelation 16:12,16,21

Several other items of a wave of prophecy were being fulfilled with these, following immediately after the kings of the east were established.

The World Trade Organization was created; out of which was spawned The International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

The World Council of Churches, along with the electronic transistor which was patented in 1948 and gave birth to the computer age, making total centralized control of all humanity possible.

The Revived Roman Empire was born from the 1948 Benelux Treaty, the United Nations Constitution, and the Universal Declaration of Civil and Political Rights.

All of these evident in Revelation ch 13, “the beast, the prophet and the mark.”

The worlds weather is in turmoil, continents are both burning and drowning at the same time, there is political unrest, and treason as never before. Not only here but in many nations.

The global economy is racing toward the need for one financial system, and it will not be a failing American dollar, which was strong for thirty five years based only on Saudi oil.

On every continent the lords of terror are having a field day, murdering, destroying, and overthrowing the freedoms that many have sacrificed for.

In our country the news breaks daily of embedded terror cells that await only on the right signal to begin their war on the ground in our own back yard.

Today’s news broke the story of a pending attack upon Fort Huachuca in Arizona, that was foiled only because of the diligence of heroes who recognize that a storm is coming.

There are at least sixty terror cells, made up of Afghanistan and Iraqi citizens in the state of Texas, who are here because the border is open and almost anyone can cross if the price is right. According to Fox News they have been heavily armed by Mexican Drug Cartels who control tunnels that cross a relatively unguarded border.

We live in truly perilous times 2 Timothy 3:1

Friends this has been a very short list of the wave of prophetic fulfillment that is occurring within our view and in our generation.

The time for His return is very near, in your generation, not that of another.

If you have never accepted Jesus as Lord or have lived as if you did not, then now is the time to ask Him to forgive you and wash you in His precious blood.

Pray for your loved ones, and for all of humanity, (John 4:35) that the Holy Spirit of God would use someone to tell them the truth, for if the Holy Spirit convicts them then they will accept the free gift of salvation.

If you do not understand the gift of salvation or if you want to know more, please contact us at D2lifeministries we will do our best to explain it to you and to show you how you can escape the trouble that is about to come upon the earth.

1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

One final thought;

Whenever prophetic waves begin crashing and are recognized as such, there comes a silence for those who hear the truly prophetic. It becomes a time of seeking and of searching for the meaning of the occurrences. There will be a time when the Church will no longer see the waves nor hear their crashing, as the Church will have been called away, to be with the Lord of the Harvest.

The voice has been silent for a while now as the waves crash.

The time has come to no longer watch for the signs, there need be no more to prove in our hearts that the writers of the scripture were correct in their hearing of the voice of the Spirit.


“Come up hither” Revelation ch 4

Monday, November 12, 2007


For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewn them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13

I recently visited with a gentleman from my area that I know to be successful in all that he is involved with. Much of his success is found in the knowledge that he has garnered by being involved in the day to day work of his endeavors.

We talked some about water, the most common of all elements.

The most common of all, yet the most precious element in creation.

He explained to me that in our geographic local, there are two layers of water, the first in an aquifer that once was relatively easy to attain.

It is still attainable it just is not of the quantity or quality that it once was, as there are too many that have acquired it and then used it without regard to its value.

The water flows through the aquifer at varying depths and in varying media with sand being the most common. The sand becomes a contaminant that must be filtered out before the water is truly clean.

As pollutants leach through the soil and light rock they eventually get closer to the aquifer and if in ample quantity will taint the precious flow of water, making it something that while still desirable must be filtered to ever increasing degrees to become fit for humanity.

He told me also of a deeper reservoir of water, an ancient water, cleaner and purer with less sand and contaminants than the more easily accessible water, that is rarely tapped, and if tapped, precautions must be taken to avoid cross contamination with the shallower reservoir and the more prevalent contaminants found in the shallow water.

Oddly enough the separating barrier is a rock. A rock that separates the good from the better. A rock that must be penetrated by more work, more diligence, more desire, more hunger for a thirst quenching medium that is sweeter and cooler than any other.

The Christ is compared to a rock, In Exodus 33:21-22, He is the rock that holds us firmly as the glory of our God is revealed.

In the book of Luke 6:48, He is the rock that is the foundation of all that we build, toward His kingdom.

Romans 9:33 declares that; He is the rock of offense to those who will not believe, yet in His might those who believe will not be ashamed.

1 Corinthians 10:4 “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”

We need the ancient water that the saints of old knew of.

We need the ancient water that is covered by the Rock.

We need the water that can only be tasted and experienced when all else will no longer satisfy and we are willing to fall on our faces and dig through the Rock by repentance, and prayer by seeking the deeper fuller purer things that are only found in the Rock.

The Rock that is Christ , the rock that separates the good from the better.

We need to overturn the broken dry cisterns that have been polluted for so long by doctrines of man and of demons and can no longer hold the refreshing water of the Spirit.

There are two layers of water in the apostate church age that we now see, one is easy to reach yet never satisfies for long. It sets above the rock, with many impurities.

The other is more difficult to attain yet those who truly find it will never thirst again.

John 4:11 “The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?”

Vs. 12 and 13 Paraphrase; Dig deeper lady, if you settle for the water that is easily available, then you will need the same water continually. The man who dug this well did not know of the Rock.

Vs. 14 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

The ancient water is available, it will require commitment to the Rock, it will take diligence and understanding.

Dig! Dig! Dig! just one taste of the ancient and we will never thirst again.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


In the middle 1800s, Charles Dickens authored a novel entitled “A Tale of Two Cities.”

It is a story of corruption, of abuse, of the desires of men. It is a tale that ends in one of the main characters standing trial for the deeds done in his life.

Today we will examine a story of three different cities that have touched the hearts of God and man alike.

City one. “He beheld the city, and wept over it.” Luke 19:41

City two. “His spirit was stirred when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.” Acts 17:16

City three. “I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven.”

Revelation 21:2

Here in these verses are three distinctly different cities.

The first is Jerusalem. The second is Athens, Greece. The third is a city “whose Builder and Maker is God.”

Why did Jesus weep over the Jerusalem of his day?

Jesus said in Luke 13:34-35 “I would…ye would not…ye shall not.”

Jesus wept over it because it was a city that knew the truth yet wanted none of it.

What stirred Paul to weep over the ancient city of Athens?

In Acts 17:22-23 we find the answer, it was a city that wanted the truth, it knew the truth was available, yet did not have the truth.

Modern Christendom is full of cities that have the truth but do not want it.

The non-Christian areas of the world are full of cities that want the truth but do not know it.

Jesus wept openly over the former and the Apostle was “stirred” painfully by the latter.

Have you and I shed tears over the cities of Christendom, that shun the truth for a fable, have we even shed tears for our own city that has the truth yet discards it as inconvenient.

Have we ever had a heart rending compassion for those cities which want the truth but do not know of it?

Have we ever envisioned the multitudes upon multitudes of peoples in the cities that have never and may never hear the truth because of our unmoved hearts.

Have you ever shared the gospel in your own city?

I can say with absolute certainty that there are many in your city and inmine who have never heard the truth.

The third city is perfect as it contains no pride, no lust, no lies, no selfish motives.

It is the city that we will enter into as part of reward for our service to the King.

Will we go in alone or will we be wise enough to take others with us?

No one will enter the third city unless they have accepted the truth, and they cannot accept unless some one tells them.

If not you , then pray tell who.

Oh, for more broken hearts and stirred spirits and the tears that flow from them!

When our tears begin to flow, we begin to do some remarkable things.

We begin in a new way to pray, to give, to go, to help, to sacrifice.

Some how we must interpenetrate the first two types of cities with the saving truth, the truth that is Christ Jesus.

Often it is far from inviting. Sometimes it can be frightening.

But it is always rewarding, in the present and in the Kingdom to come.


End note:

I have been fortunate enough to know men and women who go to the cities in many nations, who will preach the gospel of salvation in Christ, to those who inhabit the cities that know and deny, and to those cities whose inhabitants have never been presented the truth.

If your heart leads you to help, I will gladly introduce you to one of them. Just contact me and with your help we can change a city, a nation, and perhaps a world.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I have never met a man who did not want to be totally free.

Have you?

There is something in man that always causes him to fall short of experiencing the totality of happiness and personal fulfillment that he believes should be his.

A friend of mine drove this point home to me as we sat together and I was able to hear him speak of what he perceived as a feeling of total dejection.

He had recently gone through the final stages of his third divorce and with a sense of helplessness he stated, “Somewhere it is written, that I will never be happy; as nothing ever works out for me.”

I attempted to assure him, that, his life could be happy, and full, and good, and that God was waiting to set him at liberty, and to give him a life worth living.

My friend was so down that even as I shared the possibility that there was hope for his future, his depression noticeably deepened.

And something spiritually strange was occurring.

Each time the name of God, was mentioned, he would become uncomfortable and change the subject, or would attempt to create a god that was powerless and blind.

Even so, it appeared that he truly was looking for help.

He expressed a desire to be free of the endless cycle of bondage he found himself in, yet he was not willing to turn to God to find this freedom.

How strange to have such a marvelous gift offered, to want it so badly, yet reject it so soundly.

Could it mean that my friend understood something about Gods message that is so often missed, regarding the need to repent.

He felt very uncomfortable about his sin and what God thought about him.

He could not grasp the fact that it was possible to have a brand-new start in life with God.


Christ stated in John 10:10 “ I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

How does a man attain this new life? Only by making things right with God. The answer is found in Acts 3:19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.”

Any one who has repented and believed in Christ and what He did on the Cross of Calvary, can have everlasting life with God.

Acts 17:30 “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent.”

There is a word in the preceding statement and that word is “ALL” that includes you and I.

The same command is repeated in 2 Peter 3:9 where God states that He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

Please understand that “we are saved by grace and that through faith” in which Christ has done for us.

But there can be no saving faith without true repentance.

What then is repentance? It means to change ones mind or purpose.

In this case, it refers to a man and his sinful relationship before a holy God.

A man must be able to acknowledge Gods view of him as stated in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

There are three essential elements regarding repentance that we should be aware of.

1. A man must exhibit a genuine sorrow towards God because of the sins that have been committed by that man against the holiness of God.

A king named David repented before God and stated, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy loving-kindness; according unto the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned and done this evil in Thy sight.” Psalms 51:1-4

Have you grieved over your sin knowing that God knows and awaits your admission of guilt, before the miracle of forgiveness occurs?

2. There must be an inward repugnance to sin, followed by the actual willingness to forsake it.

The Apostle Paul in Acts 26:20, stressed the need for us to see our sin as it really is, and also our need to express our willingness to leave our sin, when he wrote, “That they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.”

Plainly stated, the willingness to repent must allow God to bring about a change through the conversion experience.

3. There must be a humble self-surrender to Gods will and service.

We must be able to turn from our way and begin to walk in Gods way.

We must tell God that we want to turn to Him and then go the way that He leads.

We must say to Him “Here is the life that You gave me, take what is left of it and do with it whatever You will.

Acts 9:6 “Lord what wilt thou have me to do?”

Please understand that repentance is not a condition of salvation.

Salvation comes through the sacrifice of Christ, but repentance is a condition through which we are able to receive salvation as a free gift.

In other words, there can be no salvation if one is not willing to repent so that God can save him.

What then must be done to have peace with God?

The Holy Spirit must bring you to a place of conviction where you see yourself as God sees you. “Behold the Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither is His ear heavy, that it cannot hear; But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1-2

You are separated from God because you are a sinful being.

As you are now, you can never be accepted by God. But there is hope, for God has said that He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Then the Holy Spirit will speak to you and cause you to understand the enormity of the price that God paid through the death of His Son on the cross.

For it was through the cross that Christ took our rightly deserved punishment, that we might be forgiven.

1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also hath suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.”


If you would like to know the freedom to live, to love freely, and to laugh, you must be willing to repent and let God give you a new life.

I had to do this, the young man that I call Pastor had to do this, the very ones that walked with the Christ, two thousand years ago, and all who will inherit eternal life, have all done a similar thing.

Turn to God, and seek His forgiveness, invite Christ into your life, and let Him have His way in you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


What are you waiting for?

If you know that God will raise up voices to declare the way, then why not you?

Scripture is full of seemingly unnoticed people who were just going about life waiting on someone else to do what needed to be done.

The church universal is in such a state today.

Praying for God to raise up someone, to be the voice in a wilderness, just so it isn’t them personally.

In the book of Judges ch. 6 the angel came to a man named Gideon, who was going about his business in hiding, waiting for someone else to do what he should do.

The angel declared him to be a mighty man of valour.


In 2 Kings ch 9, another seemingly unknown person was just going about his life doing his job, serving in the army of the earthy king.

The prophet declared him as king, his friends jested, and mocked him, yet Jehu believed he could make a difference, and got busy doing just that.


In the book of Isaiah ch 6 the future prophet was thinking only of himself when the Lord appeared to him, and so impressed Isaiah that he was compelled to plead with God with the words “Here am I , Lord send me.”

I ask each of you to say the same “Lord, here am I, use me.”


Each of you are mighty in His sight, you can be empowered with the Holy Spirit, and fully equipped to make a difference in the only generation that counts,… yours.

Monday, October 8, 2007


  click to view video---------------}}}    

Brothers and sisters, I have been hearing the most devastating news
about what is coming to this country and the judgment coming upon this
The Father has been warning us and I am hearing prophetic
messages from other sources. But I want to say this, and I need you to
VERY carefully and hide it in your heart.

The Father has given us promises in Psalm 91 and they apply to us, no
matter the situation, His word is TRUTH.
Terrorist incite terror, we can hear about all these terrible things
that are coming in graphic detail and all it will do is cause great fear
and anxiety. 2 Tim. 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind. God does not give us a fear of man, satan does
that. Fear is our enemy except for the fear of the Lord. Faith is what
we are called to. Faith is where we need to be, fully TRUSTING in Him.

If we are thinking about all the devastation, the evil, we are not
dwelling in the secret place. You cannot do both at the same time. The
Father has said His promises are yea and amen. Isaiah 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.

I suggest that you memorize Psalm 91, have it be a part of you, do
exactly has it tells you to do, because when judgment begins and terror
strikes your heart you will panic, because you have not been hiding
yourself in the Lord, and having Him on your mind continually. If your
mind is not on the Lord, you will not be listening for His directions.
Fear is paralyzing but you have absolute calm and peace right in the
midst of the storm, when your eyes and heart are fixed on Him. Do not
have your mind on other things, this is a distraction and you will find
it impossible to keep them on the Lord.

Do not forget this word, put it into practice
NOW, because if you forget
it will be too late to do you much good.

The Father has been telling us this for a long time, that we must be
abiding in Him constantly, actually 24/7, and now we know why He has
been exhorting us to do this.

I want to share with you Psalm 91 as the Father speaks to you
personally, that you hide it in your heart, it will be your salvation in
the coming days. The word says:
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the

We are all appointed to die, and then we will be judged, so whether it
is our time to die or not. we can be perfectly calm and at peace. If we
be martyrs for Christ let us do it with joy and peace, if it is not our
time, the Lord through us will do mighty exploits.

If you are dwelling in the secret place of My Presence, you shall live
under the shadow of My protection.

I am your refuge and your fortress, in Me shall you trust. I will
deliver you from the snares and traps of the enemy, and from the
pestilence that is all around.

I shall cover you just as I covered Daniel, Meschach, Shadrach, and
Abendego. You shall trust in me as you remain in Me and My Presence. My
Word shall be your shield and shall cover and protect you round about.
Do not be afraid of the terror by night nor the bullets that fly by day,
nor the pestilence that spreads in the darkness, nor the destruction
that is happening all around you.

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand,
but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you see the
reward of the wicked. BECAUSE you have made ME, the Lord, the most high,
your habitation, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor any
plague come to your house.

For I shall give my angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.
They shall bear you up, and keep your from any harm, lest some evil
befalls you.

You shall be given spiritual power over the devil and his angels.

I will do all this because you have placed your love on Me, I am first
inyour life, therefore I will deliver you, I will set you on high,
because you KNOW ME, and know the power of MY NAME.

You shall call on Me, and I will answer you, I will be with you in
trouble, I will deliver you and honor you. With long life I will satisfy
you, and I will give you salvation.

Saturday, September 29, 2007



If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you, for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” John 14:15-17

There have been times in my life when more that anything else, I wanted to know that I abided in the Lord.

I needed to know that He was with me.

I had heard and read the testimony of mighty men and women who related how near God was to them. How He went with them to work, how He directed every decision no matter how small the matter.

He was a Friend, near and never far away unreachable and detached.

I desired that relationship also.

I began a ritual of setting aside a certain time for prayer for study for seeking Him for honest evaluation of my life and the forgiveness of things that I knew would not be Holy in His sight.

I would end by beseeching God to live in me and through me.

I needed to know for certain that He was taking complete control of my life.

Time after time I kept my appointment with the Lord.

During the day, I would find times to escape and seek His face, with a prayer in my heart and the little pocked Testament that I am rarely without, in my hand.

Always seeking His abiding presence.

Occasionally, I would be seen kneeling, praying, weeping, and seeking, and the question would always come, either sooner or later, the person or persons, who observed such strange behavior in such odd places would ask, “What were you doing when we saw you?” I knew that I could not lie about seeking the fullness of God within me.

My answer was always the same. “I am seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit.”

They never asked the same question twice. How could they? It is quite likely that none of them had any idea at the time what I had meant.

After quite some time, frustration began to set in.

I questioned why it was that I had to work so hard to know God in His fullness, when the saints of old and those whom I had been privileged to meet over my life and the witness of their testimonies told a different story with better results.

I began to remember those testimonies. They were absolutely beautiful.

They related how God was, especially close---just right there in front of them, beside them, behind them, inside of them.

Why did I struggle so hard to realize the same closeness?

Then and there the God of the universe spoke to me within my heart, I have heard his voice before and realize there is a difference in how He says, what He intends.

The voice spoke “I was there the first time you sought me. Do you not remember? I was there watching as you knelt in the pool of blood at the foot of the cross. You knew my forgiveness and the peace that follows in very real and personal (to you) way. I have always arrived early at the place that I knew you would seek me. I have been faithful to hear your every perceived need. I have longed to live through you in more powerful ways. The urgency that you feel in your innermost being, is what I have placed in you that makes you unique among all of my people.”

It was just as He had said, there has been a splendor of His presence since the first time that I truly desired only Him.

It then occurred to me that I was seeking the experience of others, rather than allowing God to work in me and through me in a way that He deemed, something just between Himself and me.

He had never held me aloof, He had not kept His presence at a distance. He was most faithful and punctual.

From that day until today, I continually thank God for His abiding presence--heart to heart.

When others ask me, “How do I know the presence of the Lord?”

I simply tell them to earnestly ask.

Time after time they relate to me the same results. He was there all along.

He longed to deal with them individually.

God keeps His word.

He promises to abide, if we only ask.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

GAY ( it is used as an acronym for I am as (Good As You)

GAY---- or I am---- as GOOD AS YOU

The following is a part of the response that I recently made to a person identified only by the name “greatest am”. Who is looking for someone to argue the point of a particular type of sin.

This person claims to be blood bought and born again into a belief in Christ, yet makes the argument that the lifestyle of the homosexuality is not sin.

My response to the person was as follows.



The greatest defense that I or any professing Christian can have is a reverence for the words of scripture and the belief that they are the final authority of any and all aspects of life.

All guidance for life and lifestyle is given in scripture to those who believe in its authority, even so any person with depravity of mind, and pride of flesh and lust of the eye can be argumentative against its teachings.

No one wins when truth is questioned.

The Word of God as recorded in scripture is truth, and further as stated in the book of (II Timothy 3:13-17)

as this “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and host been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

That is the truth concerning scripture, it is to be used as our guide. Our hearts and our intellect will lie to us; God will not .

The Word of God consistently teaches us that homosexuality is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and obeying God. Whenever a person continues in sin and disbelief, the bible tell us that God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of a life apart from God.

1 Corinthians 6:9 declares that the homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.

In regards to some of your statement from the last comment issued from you to me we will address them one by one.

You said: One cannot hurt God so any infraction has to be human to human.

My response: God in the form of the Holy Spirit is grieved and hurt by our sinful decisions, (Isaiah 63:10) “ But they rebelled, and vexed His Holy Spirit: therefore He was turned to be their enemy, and He fought against them.”

(Ephesians 4:30) “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

Clearly God can be offended and hurt by our sinful action.

You said; God is not a bigot or homophobe but the writer of the Bible was.

My response: Please, sir or madam, be careful as scripture states that the writer of the Bible is God Himself in the form of the Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16a) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God,” (2 Peter 1:21) “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (Psalms 12:6a) “The words of the Lord are pure words,”

As for the individuals who wrote down the words, I cannot say, as I have never met one of them,….yet.

You said; “If you can justify what God is supposedly doing then do so.”

My response (Ecclesiastes 8:16-17) “ When I applied my heart to know wisdom, ad to see the business that is don upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes) Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun’ because though a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it”

You said: “No one has done so yet.

My response is that neither can I.

You said; “No one has even offered one moral imperative except god says so.”

My response is: God does not create a person with homosexual desire. The bible tells us that a person becomes a homosexual because of sin (Romans 1:24-27), and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That will not excuse the person of making the choice to fulfill the sinful desire. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger or rage, does that make it right for them to give into those desires? Of course not! The same is true for homosexuality.

The bible does not describe homosexuality as a greater sin than any other.

All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is only one of the many things listed in (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) that will keep a person from entering the kingdom of God.

According to the bible, Gods, forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over all sin, including homosexuality, to all who will believe in Jesus Christ alone as the means of their salvation. (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Sunday, September 16, 2007



Today I walked with angels.

It is only a toy stroller, it resembles exactly the larger model that I have pushed many miles in one of the greatest treats that I can imagine.

That of taking my grandchildren for what they call a “strollo.”

As they ride and I push we share the tales of the day and the innermost secrets of our hearts love for each other. Each of us yearn for the next time the stroller comes out and we start another journey of exploration and amazement.

I see in my grandchildren, all of them, boys and girls, something that I can only relate to a relationship with God the Father and God the Son as experienced through the blessed Holy Spirit.

I long to be with each of them endlessly, and they feel the same.

When granddaughter one was born, her dad brought her to me immediately and within the first precious breaths of her life I was able to speak into her ear a secret known only to the Holy Spirit, her and myself.

The same with granddaughter two. Those secrets have caused a burn in their hearts that causes them to push away from others, to ignore toys and treats, and to focus all of their attention on me.

I am not worthy of their love, their attention, and their devotion.

In that action I see how all of those who hunger and thirst for the things of God should drop all of the desires and cares of this world and focus entirely on the Holy One.

She picked up a doll that belongs to a grandchild that will no longer play with it, and placed it ever so lovingly in the toy stroller, buckling the doll in and covering its legs with a small blanket, all the while whispering to the doll that it was being prepared for something very special.

We began our stroll, only this time she was pushing her little stroller with the doll in it as I walked along beside, speaking nothing only listening and learning, about absolute truth, about life, about forgiveness, about what a child feels for another child that is no longer a playmate, about love and about a child like faith in a man named Jesus.

This Jesus she knows so well, yet she has never willingly sinned and offended Him.

Someday she will; and I pray she knows Him even more and trusts Him exclusively.

She, her sisters, and her cousins know how to pray, and they know how to pray without ceasing, for their parents, for each other, for the things that they wonder about, and surprisingly enough about other members of our family that have not yet arrived, but they have seen them and know them.

I listen to their prayers and marvel at the wisdom that is found in their words and utterances.

As we walked along she began to recall what she felt was important about every one she knows, mentioning them one by one.

She even called the name of the one to which the doll belongs, and how she knows that he wants her to stroll his doll, and in her innocence she even said a small thank you to that one for letting her take care of Ernie.

We are given children to care for, to nourish and to see grow into the fullness of a life in the Kingdom of God.

We are assigned angels from the throne room, sent as guides, as protectors in times of troubles, and as helping hands for provision.

We are told to carefully entertain strangers as they just might be angelic.

Children are not angels, they are created in the image of God, and He loves them so much that He willingly became the sacrifice for the salvation of their souls.

Yet as I walked along I could feel the presence of the angelic host, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and I was glad that they came along for the walk.

She began to praise Him in the way that she knows best, by giving thanks for her Mom, her Dad , her sisters, her cousins, near and far, for her grandparents, and just when I thought she was finished, she floored me with a final utterance.

Just the thought of what she said makes me tremble as I realize that perhaps in some small way I am learning more in this stage of life about loving others than I have learned in the previous fifty plus years.

She stated at last ,as she looked me fully in the face as she has so many times, that

“and I have a good Poppi.”

Jesus said that there is none good only His father God.

She thinks that I am good.

I hope that what she sees is Jesus the Christ living in me and working through me, and nothing more.

Its about relationship, its about being blind to fault, its about forgiveness, it about a desire to see Him face to face one day.


It is the way of the stroller.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Would you humble yourself to see HIM exalted?

There has never been a time of greater need in the New Testament church age for a heaven sent, Christ centered, Spirit given revival, renewal or manifestation of the presence of God as there is today.  September 09, 2007.

I am drawn to believe that never has the Christ who purchased the church with His own blood, desired to bring the spirit of vibrant life to those who are His.

The prophet Isaiah instructed the people of his time, and it continues forward to us, to “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God!” Isaiah 40:3

He not only call us to preperation, he also instruct us on exactly how to do this.

He describes the construction process for the road to revival in vs. 4 ‘Every valley shall be exalted….” telling us that every low spot is to be elevated.

Instructing us individually to no longer condemn or devalue ourselves because of past sin, failures, and foolishness.

Depression and hopelessness, must go!

We must remember the Christ in us, living with all of His graciousness, courage, and ability.

“We can do all things through Christ.”

We are loved and valued by our God and He desires to use us in His service.

Then “every mountain and hill shall be made low…”

Every high place that we have allowed in our lives must be lowered by excavation, or by explosion.

All of our inflated egos and attitudes must be deflated.

We should not think too highly of ourselves, but think soberly about who we really are.

No one is superior to another in the body of Christ.

All of us are dependent upon each other and at the same time are dependent upon no one but Jesus.

We lower ourselves when we voluntarily seek humility and obedience to God in all of our pre-ordained trials.

If we refuse submission to His design as His children, he will blast away with His chastisement, and punishments.

Lower us, from our self grandiose He can, and will.

A level path or an attitude of humility is required before any visitation either personally or corporately.

“And the crooked places shall be made straight…”

It can only mean that all of our crookedness must be repented of (turned from), any illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior must be straightened by an adherence to the righteousness in Christ, the biblical standard of what is right.

The straight and narrow “right-ness” is clearly revealed in Gods Word.

“And the rough places made plain.”

That is the hardness of our hearts,

It must go. We must give up all of our rights to be offended at Jesus over every “rough” experience, or perceived unfairness, loss, betrayal, or disappointment.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to dig and to unearth every hardened rock of offense that we have buried deep in our hearts, rocks of unforgiveness, anger, hate, resentment, distrust, self-pity, and by confession and rejection allow Him to assist in the removal of all of them.

Once these things are done, then the way is prepared and He can begin His desired visitation, with all of His glory exhibited, to speak, live, deliver, save, heal, baptize, sanctify and work freely among us, just as He did in every recorded move throughout history.

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

Isaiah 40:5

I WANT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you join me in preparing a road for His visitation in our churches and families and in our own hearts and lives.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


The Mystery Flu” pt 2


The order is given on Friday that all of the people on your side of town will report to the parking lot of the local hospital.

As you arrive you are met by a long line of folks and by many doctors, nurses and volunteers, dressed in hospital garb, and running to and fro.

There are stations set up where blood is being drawn from each individual, with no exceptions being made.

After you and your family have had your turn at the mandatory donation area, you are informed to go to a staging area to wait until your name is called, at which time you will in all probability be allowed to return to your home.

You wait idly, scared, uncertain of the future, and thinking that surely the world is coming to an end, and that there likely is no hope.

Suddenly a young man charges through the crowd yelling at the top of his lungs a name that sounds like it could be yours.

He approaches your staging area yelling louder and frantically waving a sheet of paper.

Your small son tugs at your pants, saying, “Daddy, that man is calling my name.”

Before you can gather your thoughts they have laid hold upon your son.

“Wait just a minute” you protest. “What is happening here?”

The medical representatives say “Its O.K., his blood is clean. His blood is pure. We want to make certain that he does not have the disease. We think he has the right type.”

Five minutes later the doctors and nurses come out of the building, all of them laughing and crying and hugging one another.

It is the first time you have seen anyone laugh in over a week, and an old doctor approaches you and says, “Thank you sir, Your sons blood is perfect and pure, and it will allow us to make the necessary vaccine.”

The word ripples across the parking lot slowly at first and then like a wave that is crashing upon a beach. The celebration starts with people singing, praying and giving thanks that there will be a vaccination and any who will take it will be saved from the death brought on by “the mystery flu.”

Your celebration is short lived as the same old doctor pulls you aside and states to you that “We really did not expect the donor to be a minor……and that we need you to sign a consent form.”

“No problem” you agree, until you see the amount of blood that is required.

You soon realize that it is too much.

You see the doctors smile fade as he watches you grow pale with dread.

Through a numb mind, you hear him say, “We need it all, it will cost him his life, but we are talking about the entirety of humanity, after all.”

Please agree and sign quickly, there is not a moment to waste as many perish each moment that we delay.

“Can you not just give him a transfusion?” You ask.

You are given a choice. “Would you like to be present as we take the blood?”

Could you walk back to the room where he is and answer his questions?

“Daddy, Momma, what is going on, why cant we just go home, I’m scared!”

Would you be able to take his hand and explain to him that you would never let anything happen to him that was unnecessary?

How would you feel as he cried out for you to help him escape those he realized were his captors.

Would you cringe as he yelled out “DADDY!!!!”


The cure is given and offered freely to all who would accept it.

Many do.

Many more do not and will suffer the consequences of refusing the blood that heals.

It is a choice that they have been allowed to make for themselves.

The next Sunday, a community wide celebration honoring your son is planned, the emphasis will be on the extreme price that he paid to keep humanity from “the mystery flu.”

Sunday comes, and the building where the celebration is to take place is almost empty.

Would you be heart sick and angered that so many who have benefited from your sons ultimate sacrifice have so quickly forgotten what happened.

Would you be glad that in their new freedom that they prefer to sleep off a hangover, or to spend time at the lake, to go shopping, or to a movie , or just to sit at home with no care at all that a seat that only they can fill is empty and the celebration is less without them.

Would you yell out “My son died, why don’t you care?’

Can you hear God yell out, “My Son died for you. Don’t you know how much I care?”

This completes the retelling of the story of “the mystery flu”

Author is currently unknown


1 John 1:5-10 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and the word is not in us.”


All of us who are washed in the blood of the perfect sacrifice, should attempt to be in the house of celebration at every possible chance; what a great chance to honor our King and Savior with the saints of God.

Please read in the book for yourself; all of Revelation chapter 5, and we will see a worthy celebration that is being thrown for the One who gave Himself so that we could live, in eternity.

There is no GOD like JEHOVAH who alone would give himself as a ransom for those whom HE loves.

Monday, August 27, 2007


“The Mystery Flu”                                                        part one

The day is over and you are driving home.

You tune in your radio.

You hear a little news blurb about a remote village in India where some villagers have died suddenly, strangely, of a type of flu that has never been seen before.

It is not your typical influenza, but several are dead and many more are desperately ill.

The symptoms are severe, and they are sending a team from the Center for Disease Control to conduct an investigation.

In the whirl of moment you do not think much of it, as your only concern is to return home to those who await you.

On the ride home from church on Sunday, you hear another story on the radio news that rivets your attention, only this time the death toll is not a few, but there are multiple thousands in a remote spot in India that are dying.

On a cable news service that you are viewing the story goes major with wall to wall coverage.

Governments the world over are pouring aid and investigators into the area to ease the suffering, but more importantly to identify the illness and to develop a strategy to contain the growing circle of exposure.

On Monday morning, it is the Headline Story in your area newspaper.

It is no longer contained in India, but has spread regionally to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and is beginning to appear in even more distant areas, and is becoming so discussed that the name of “the mystery flu” is coined and used by everyone.

The President has mentioned that he and everyone within his sphere of influence are praying and hoping that all will turn out all right “over there”.

But everyone we speak to is concerned, what is it, will it be contained, will it just mutate and go away, or will it attack me, and those who are mine?

Then we hear that the President of France has just made an announcement that rattles the continent of Europe.

He will close the borders of France with no air travel allowed from, or into any area where “the mystery flu” is suspected of having a foothold.

Later that day when you again visit the cable news feed you are appalled when an interview is ran and is being translated from French with English captions of a weeping woman who states “There is a man being treated in a hospital in Paris that is dying from “the mystery flu.”

It has now officially spread to Europe and panic in a personal and global reality begins to set in.

The symptoms stated as simply as possibly are beginning to be made known, first there is an incubation period of about a week, and then the early onset begins to resemble flu, with a fever and aches and pains, and then four days later you are desperately ill with a majority of your internal organs going through varying degrees of failure, and no one who exhibits any of the later symptoms will survive.

Borders of many nations all over the world are closed in an attempt to slow down the infection rate.

Finally the President makes his proclamation “Due to a national security risk, all flights to and from Europe and Asia have been cancelled. There will be no exceptions. No one moves into or out of the country until there is a resolution of this thing called “the mystery flu.”

Within a week the world has been thrust into an unbelievable fear.

In the market places, items are being sold that are promoted as a preventative or even a cure, and people are snapping them up at rates that will not allow the shelf inventory to be maintained.

“The mystery flu” is the only topic of discussion, at your workplace, at your health club, at your beauty shop, and in the media.

Television stations are interviewing ministers, both local and national, and there are lines being drawn between those who represent the church.

Some are stating that the problem is overblown, some that it will pass, some that it is just a testing, and some state that it is a judgment being poured out on humanity.

While others are stating that there are some who will escape the taint of death.

On Wednesday night across the nation, church doors are open, some that would normally be closed, as a matter of business decision.

It doesn’t matter now, times are desperate, and the houses are full.

Suddenly some one bursts in and shouts for someone to turn on a radio, as the news is out that now the horror, of “the mystery flu’ has arrived.

In a hospital on the east coast of the U.S.of A., several people have been hospitalized and are in the final life stages of “the mystery flu.”

Within hours the news media is reporting that nationwide people are exhibiting symptoms that can have only one cause, “the mystery flu.”

Doctors, Scientists, Immunologist, all are working around the clock to find an antidote, a vaccine, or a cure.

Just as suddenly as the appearance of the disease, the discovery is made, and yes, there is a cure for the dreaded disease.

It will take only one thing. The uninfected blood of the innocent and undefiled. Someone who even though exposed, has not become infected.

In every community, in every state in the nation, the call goes out , martial law is imposed, and it is required of all people no matter the age or life status, to report to centers that have been setup, for immediate blood testing.

It is urgent!

All of humanity will be doomed if the blood of the perfect one is not identified.

To be continued::::::::::::::::::::::::

“the mystery flu” is a retelling of a story whose author is currently unknown.

Sunday, August 19, 2007



A small story as reported in World Net Daily and also a segment on Fox News this last week has noted that the Bishop Martimos Petrus Maria Muskens a Dutch Roman Catholic, has stated that it is his belief that all Christians should begin to call the name of Allah as God.

He states that in order to be acceptable to those in Islam we must use a common name in order to appease their sensitivities.

In Europe the religion of Islam is named by millions and is growing exponentially.

In America the religion is growing quickly, and aggressively.

The fundamentalist in the religion demand that all serve the one they call Allah.

The lie of the devil is that all roads lead to God and no one really knows Gods name.

You may say that it is only one man who states that we should begin calling Allah as God.

Be careful for a small spark will ignite an uncontrollable fire, destroying everything and everyone it contacts.

In the U.S. the story has already been received joyfully by many, one of them the spokesman for the American Council on Islamic Relations, Ibrahim Hooper, who told Fox News that “ I don’t think the name is as important as the belief in God and following Gods moral principals. I think that is true in all faiths.”

What a foolish statement for any man to make as God takes His wonderful name very seriously, as evident in

Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.”

Exodus 20:4 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, nor make unto thee any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth, beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

Exodus 34:14 “ For thou shall worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous god:”

Proof enough that God is careful with His name.

Reading the quote from Mr. Hooper, we see that he thinks it is important to follow Gods moral principals.

Obviously another problem arises at this point. By studying the Quran and listening to those who teach its principals, the one called Allah has an entirely different set of moral principals than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Worldwide the god named Allah is honored and revered by the taking of innocent human life, and by the lie of domination, with that lie being, “submit or be killed.”

For those of us today living as New Testament Christians we see the true God revealed in His Wonderful Son Christ Jesus.

At many places in Islam with the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount being one, is the statement written in stone that “Allah is God and he has no son.”

Blasphemy, in its highest form.

The truth as recorded in scripture is that God was revealed to us in His Son, Jesus.

Acts 4:10-12 “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Carefully read the following scriptures as they reveal Jesus as Son of God and Jesus as God.

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

John 1:1 :In the beginnings was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

As you can see God is the Father, and God is the Son, God is the Word, the Word is Jesus.


Read Matthew 4:1-11

In the beginning of Christ’s ministry we see where satan came before Jesus with the offer, that if Jesus would name satan as god, through worship, that he (satan) would exalt Jesus above all on the earth.

In the final days of the Church age we are seeing those who would willingly bow down before another god and name him as worthy of worship.

There are many names mentioned in scripture that God approves of for himself, among them are the I AM, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah (YHWH) Shepherd, Judge, Father, Counselor, Comforter, Advocate, Lord, Almighty God, Redeemer, Friend, King, Jesus, Lion of Judah, and Holy, Holy, Holy, Worthy, Exalted, Eternal, all names of praise and honor that He is due.

Never is Allah mentioned as His name.

Allah was named as a god by some, approximately seven hundred years after the death burial, and resurrection of the one who is the true God.

Allah is a little late to make the claim that Jesus used in John ch8 vs. 5 “ Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”

I urge each of you who read this and believe that there is only one God Eternal, to be cautious as the days darken and time shortens to not listen to the lie of the devil no matter how convincing it sounds.

Gods name is important, Gods Son has been revealed, and man following the doctrine of demons can not change the truth as revealed to men by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 1:16-17 “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” “For he received from God the Father, honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Philippians 2:5-11 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Not Allah, not Buddha, not any of the three hundred million Hindu gods, not Mother Earth, not demons, not Confucius, not Hari Krishna, no name but the name above all names Jesus.







Saturday, August 11, 2007


Most all of us are familiar with the story of a giant killer from long ago.

While we remember the story as told to children, many people never see the larger story of how being a giant killer relates to New Testament Christianity.

All of us have at one time or another been faced down by giants, and how we reacted to each event is indicative of a few things.

We will begin by looking in 1 Samuel ch 17.

There are two armies facing each other from a distance, neither has the courage to come against the other.

One army is camped in a place named Ephes-dammim, which is in English “a boundary of blood.”

The other is camped across a valley in Elah, or in English “an oak.”

Do you see what I see, one cannot cross a boundary of blood because the other has encamped around a tree!!!

Those camped around the tree were comfortable in the tree and had lost the courage to confront those who were on the other side of the boundary of blood.

A mighty giant railed against the God of the tree and no one person in the army would take a righteous stand.

An entire army could not find one who would step up and declare what was right.

One came that would.

Goliath-or “great heathen”

David- or “beloved”

The great heathen raged against and cursed the living God and those that were His for a period of forty days.

For years God had been preparing His beloved as a warrior, as a shepherd, as a husband, as a worshipper, as a leader of men, as a seeker of what is holy and pure, and as a King.

For some time David had been following Saul and doing service to him, whenever time came for him to grow away from Saul, he returned to his father, to do his will and not that of man.

Goliath was prepared for war. David had been preparing to serve.

David’s father had sent him during this time to tend to a small flock of sheep in the area of Bethlehem, yet God was preparing him to come from Bethlehem to the field of battle.

David’s father requested that he take good things to his brothers who were supposedly doing battle with the enemies of the King.

When David arrived at the battle he was confronted by those who should have already acted in the name of the Lord against the heathen.

They accused David of being his own servant, of not submitting to authority, and of attempting to act alone, and they were jealous that he would not compromise his faith and allow sin to be flaunted against those encamped around the tree who had become lukewarm to the idea that there are things that cannot go unopposed.

The king of men called for David and offered to him, the armor that the king felt was appropriate, David recognized immediately that if the king did not use the tools, then they were unproven and could not be relied upon in the battle that was to be fought.

David had heard of the reward for faithful, successful service to the king, and knew that no other reward would bring satisfaction. The reward being that to the victor went provision, eternal recognition, and a bride.

The army that was encamped at the boundary of blood was about to flee, by a path that would take them to Sharaim or “two gates” and would end up at Gath or “wine vat.”

The rest of the story we know, David killed the giant and claimed the reward, and was then hated by those who should be his brothers and sisters.

He was prepared, and willing to serve God, and not man, and because of it, his life soon became miserable, but only for a while.

Do you want to be a giant killer?

You can be sure that when you begin to prepare, through acceptance of Jesus as Savior, through service, through prayer, through bible study, through witnessing, through giving, through going, through the use of your spiritual gifting, a giant will come against you to dissuade you from doing what is right.

You can be sure that the giant will attack; your family, your health, your wealth, your service, your time of communion with the Lord, your faith.

You can be sure that those who want you to submit to them will offer you their opinion of how you should serve, how you should worship, how you should pray, how you should witness, how you should seek their favor before seeking Gods favor, and will attempt to fit you with weapons and armor that are either faulty or untried.

You can be sure that those with a different agenda than yours will encourage you to join them so that they can be leader over you.

You can be sure that like David’s brothers they will tell you that you have not been called by God to do a service.

After all thewarfare that you have learned does not fill the armor in a manner that they understand.

Sibbechai, who was one of David’s heroes, killed a giant in the battle of Gob, David was a giant killer, Joshua killed a few, the Apostle Paul was a giant killer, Peter killed giants, Timothy and Steven killed giants; the giants of death, hell and the grave, were killed on a hill named Calvary, and the list goes on.

You are a giant killer when you are prepared to do so.

David left the crowd of uncommitted, picked up five stones, and ran without thought for himself into a battle that he knew he could not lose, because God had prepared him, to become a giant killer.

The fickleness of humanity is such that as he killed the giant a cheer went up, he was a hero to the people, however because of his faithful service he had shown himself to be different than the king who craved control, and yet David loved the king because he understood that it was not the king who had anointed him it was God himself and that he would soon be blessed.

You have a specific calling, all of us have a calling if we have accepted Christ as Savior.

We cannot fail if we follow His leading and cast off the yoke that man would entangle us in.

The giant killers of scripture knew a few things that we in the New Testament Church should know more fully.

Whenever we become faithful to Him, then He will use us.

1 Timothy 1:12 “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;”

God alone puts ministry into your heart and God alone calls you to perform what He has instilled in you, and it is God alone who enables you to perform what He has determined is right for you.

Romans 11:29 “For the gift and callings of God are without repentance.”

Don’t be discouraged by those who only want to camp out by the oak tree, stand up; stare the giant in the face, and do battle, but only in the manner that God has proven in you.

Friday, August 3, 2007



The excitement is building, along with the fatigue that comes with the search and shopping for all of the supplies on a list that are just the right items for back to school.

The parent-child frustration that comes with picking out appropriate clothing, the rescheduling of child care and the concern that comes when the youngest is dropped off for the first few days at pre-school or kindergarten.

A familiar concern arises whenever that same child steps out the door of the home and pulls away in the car to leave the nest for the first time to attend an institute of higher learning that you as a parent have prayed about and added more gray to the top of the head than you would have expected.

How will my child survive kindergarten, how will they manage the university life until they regain their bearings?

Once again we see where the word of scripture has application in the lives of our children and most certainly ours as well.

We all know that the Bible states in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he shall not depart from it.”

That takes the worry out of the possibility of losing moral direction and not knowing the way back whenever they leave home.

What a sense of peace to know that whatever they see in us, and the things that we teach them today will guide them tomorrow.

There will undoubtedly be times of struggle academically no matter what level of education they are in either public of private.

Once again the word comes through offering direction to all who would just learn what God has to say about any and every subject.

Take heart, your child can be, no, lets make that should be, the brightest student in any classroom, because God has told us and them how to achieve academic success.

Psalm 119:99 “ I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.”

And once again in Job 32:8 “But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.”

And that is only two references, that promise without a doubt success in the realm of education if we will only understand that we ought not to have unnecessary worry and that failure is not on the horizon, if we know, and apply what God has given us as immediate help

Sunday, July 22, 2007



Opposites attract.

In the natural this is a reality, as we can see so vividly just by understanding the most common examples.

One magnet is attracted to the other, but only on opposite sides or ends.

My wife tells me that a clean book shelf will become very dusty in just a few days, and my clean desk will always become cluttered whenever I sit at it for just a few moments.

Send a clean grandchild outdoors and the child that returns has found the mud in the garden and the hair from the shedding dog or cat.

In our lives and in that of our children, we see good attitude corrupted by exposure to bad attitude, or good intent spoiled by our exposure to a stronger willed person whose intent is not good.

Most of us are familiar with the composition of the atomic particle; in the simplest explanation it is held together only because of laws of design that state that opposites attract.

Let us examine this for just a moment; There are three basic components of the atomic structure, the proton, the neutron and the electron.

The proton is a positively charged subatomic particle.

The neutron is a negatively charged subatomic particle.

The electron is a negatively charged particle that spins around what is known at the atomic nuclei.

The atomic nuclei is the mass that is created when the proton and neutron are drawn together by attraction.

That would seem simple enough, however whenever one of the elements are disturbed something devastating can occur.

Nuclear fission, or as we would state an explosion with devastating consequence.

In the spiritual we are taught that what occurs in the natural is in many instances is not what we should prefer.

As the electron spins around the nuclei of the atom, it holds the mass together by being repelled by one and drawn to the other. Causing the spin or the rotation.

Using scripture as the guide to our relationship to the world and those of the world, we see that opposites really do not attract but rather should be repelled by each other.

In order for opposites relationally to co-exist, one of the opposites must become less than it would desire to be.

A great measure of caution should be used in any relationship with those who are outside of a walk of holiness, as far too many Christians are weakened and even corrupted whenever they cannot, or choose not to separate themselves from the world.

The scripture has many things to say about those who truly serve God and who have given themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the way that we must guard our relationship with the One who purchased our redemption with His own blood.

In the natural we see that it is true that opposites attract, but in the spiritual different laws exist.

To receive you must first give. Luke 6:38

To live you must die. Philippians 1:21

To be enlarged, you must first decrease. John 3:30

To gain, we must lose. Matthew 16:25

We are required to bless those who curse us. Matthew 5:44

We must be humbled before we can be exalted. 1 Peter 5:6

We must give up our own will to receive His. Mark 14:36

We must be born again. John 3:6-8

We must escape the entanglements of the world. 2 Peter 2:20

We must flee the magnet of temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Our God resists those with pride in their hearts and gives grace to the humble. James 4:6

If we know to do good and do it not then it is sin. James 4:17

If we communicate with the evil our good behavior is corrupted. 1 Corinthians 15:33

We must separate our lives from those who know not our Lord. 2 Corinthians 6:17

There is a noticeable difference between the holy and the unholy. Leviticus 10:9-11

The righteous have no business with the un-righteous

Light has no communion with darkness,

And a believer and an unbeliever can not agree for long. 2 Corinthians 6:14

The intellect of man can discover and understand some of the natural laws that God has by His own hand put into place, and yet intellect as found in humanity cannot fathom the truth as stated in 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”

Only faith in us in the same measure that a child bears faith will allow us to fully understand the laws of the spiritual Luke 18 :16-17

To know you Lord and your ways first, is my prayer for all of us.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


How many times have we heard the statement that , the Nation of Israel and the City of Jerusalem in particular are the keys to understanding the prophecies concerning the very end of the gentile age?

Read almost any legitimate newspaper on a daily basis and we can very easily see that Biblical Prophecy in regards to the return of the Son of God, is spelled out bit by bit, article by article, page by page.

In just the last week we have seen Russia turn from embracing a pro-western attitude to a return to the saber rattling and brutish forms of diplomacy, that are reminiscent of what was known as the Cold War Era. Threatening to target European cities with nuclear tipped missiles, and ordering a resurgent Russian military to be ready to accept an onslaught of new materials and weapons.

We must remember that it is prophesied that an alliance between what most scholars believe to be Russian soil and peoples, and those that make up the Muslim nations will come against the Nation of Israel prior to Christ’s return. ( Ezekiel chs. 37 & 38 )

One of the most significant stories of last week (in my opinion) was that of ex Prime Minister of Israel and past Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Shimon Peres, being elected and appointed to the Presidency of Israel.

It is a position that in reality wields very little power to control the government of Israel.

It is however significant in light of the following facts.

Shimon Peres was born in Poland.

Shimon Peres is 83 years old.

Shimon Peres was personal assistant to the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion.

Shimon Peres is a Nobel Laureate.

Shimon Peres has always pursued peace before aggression.

Shimon Peres is the last living government official of his generation, the generation that saw both the establishment of the Nation of Israel, and the victory in the Six Day War of June 1967, in which the Temple Mount and the Western Wall were captured and reclaimed as Jewish territory along with the West Bank, which has now been turned over to Palestinian control.

Shimon Peres as elder statesmen will be very respected and his word will carry more weight than past presidential office holders.

Shimon Peres has stated that his entire term will be dedicated to seeking peace by any and all means.

What does that all mean?

Let us look at what the Holy Scripture gives as reason that this is significant, and then you can make up your own mind, if this is meaningful or not.

In the book of Isaiah chapter 66 vs. 8 we read where the Prophet is speaking to the Lord.

“Who hath heard of such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.”

Isaiah had just heard the prediction that the final restoration of Israel will be astonishing and complete and that the nation will “be born at once” during a time of great travail. The prophecy was partially fulfilled on May 15, 1948 when Israel declared its independence, and will finds its final fulfillment when Christ returns.

The Fig Tree was established, and the people that had been scattered among the nations for two thousand years, had been re-gathered and is ongoing at this time.

Jesus being quoted in the book of Luke, speaks of the fig tree and her maturity.

Luke ch 13 vs. 28-30 “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.”

That is the significance in all of this.

The nation has been restored on May 14 1948

The City of David, Jerusalem, is in Jewish possession, June 7 1967,

There is a world wide war going on that is not nation against nation but is kingdom against kingdom.

We see the alignment of nations as prophesied in the book of Ezekiel ch 38.

The last politician that represents a specific generation is once again in the political spotlight. And his remaining natural years would seem to be short.

And that specific generation will not pass until all things pertaining to the gentile age are fulfilled.

Please seek the Lord and listen for His voice as to whether all this has direct implications in the end of days.

In any stretch of the imagination our time in the Church Age is growing short.

To be effective we must do as John the Baptist did and declare that the Kingdom is at hand and it is time to make straight the path in the wilderness.