Sunday, March 18, 2007



I remember a time when a friend of mine asked me if I would go to her brother who was an alcoholic and take to him the gospel of Christ.

I did a quick check of my mental calendar, and found that I did not have the time today, but I would be faithful to meet him the next day.

She gave me his address and name and we parted company.

I was good to my word. I went to find him the next day, all fired up that I was going to share the good news with him.

As I pulled into the parking lot of the small motel, I was met with the sight of an ambulance and two police cars along with the coroner.

To my shock they were in and out of the door with the number on it that I held in my right hand.

The man had taken his own life, he had entered the portals of eternity. LOST, according to his sister.

I still grieve that my own business seemed at the time to be more important than his position in eternity.

Do you, as I did, neglect to tell someone about Christ, and what He has done for you because we choose to wait until tomorrow.

Or do you feel uncomfortable, or unsure about how to share the truth of Jesus.

Have you ever regretted when they were gone, that you did not tell them that Jesus died for them, so they could have eternal life.

The bible says that today is the day for salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2)

You can learn to share, if you wish. I can help in that aspect or direct you to someone else who can also.

All Christians are required to give testimony of our salvation in Christ. (Matthew 10:32-33)

To not confess Him to others is to deny Him.

I will never again wait until tomorrow to tell someone I meet. I will tell them today.

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