Tuesday, March 27, 2007




“But David encouraged himself in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 30:6

That which makes these words meaningful to us today is the point at which they occur in the history of the life of David.

Twelve years or perhaps a little earlier, Samuel had anointed David to be king after Saul.

For a period of time every thing was falling into place, as circumstance after circumstance worked to the good for David.

David had become Saul’s harpist and armor bearer. Each position placed him properly to learn the daily workings of kingship over Israel.

David, while in the spirit of the Lord, had slain Goliath, which caused the daughters of Israel to sing, “Saul has slain his thousands, while David his ten thousands.”

From that time on there were strange reverses in the relationship of Saul and David.

Twice Saul attempted to kill David with the spear.

He attempted to slay David in other ways also, which caused David to flee for his life.

Then the enraged King Saul, began to hunt for David in the mountains much like a man hunts for partridge and other wild game.

Then in a reversal of faith, David and those whom had attached themselves to him, turned to the Philistine King Achish.

The enemy of Israel gave David and his followers the city of Ziklag, where for sixteen months they lingered.

The Philistines went to war against Israel again, and David felt obligated to go with them. He was now indebted to the enemy.

On the eve of the encounter, however, the Philistines insisted that David and his men return to Ziklag.

David was saved from an awkward situation.

But, oh what an agonizing shock awaited them back at Ziklag.

Instead of wives and children welcoming them back home, the city had been burned to the ground by another enemy, the Amalakites.

Yet the severity of this blow became the turning point for good in David’s affairs.

In his dire plight he was flung to one or the other of two alternatives- either to give up faith in God altogether, or to give up himself to God entirely, in utter trust.

Read the whole of the text; “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters; but David encouraged himself in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 30:6

That became the turning point.

God gave David a new promise.

Wives, children, goods, were quickly retrieved.

Saul was slain in battle.

David was welcomed as King of Judah.

All of this speaks, by parallel, of Gods dealings with each of us.

Afflictions and trials are sometimes allowed to accumulate without intermission, until it seems that one more ounce of pressure and our spirits will snap.

Then when in the bleakest of emotions, we will receive from God, providential intervention, that transforms every circumstance.

When faced with bereavement, failure of cherished plans, loss of material possessions, unfaithfulness of dear ones, let us do as David did.

“David encouraged himself in the Lord.”

Let us find unfailing refuge in

1. His righteousness

2. His faithfulness

3. His love

4. His promises

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