There is terminology that we use at times as a descriptive measure of a person.
We might say that the particular person is full of life, full of mischief, full of joy, or even full of bull.
In reality what we are doing is pinning a character trait upon that individual
. Perhaps deserved or maybe not.The question today is “what are you full of?”
Out of disgust we might declare that we are full up to our necks of something or someone!
Out of pride we may say that our heart is bursting.
Out of embarrassment we may say that we have eaten crow until we could no longer stand it.
A glutton will rise from the table having fulfilled a lust until he is full unto bursting.
A hardened heart can be full of rage.
Why does this even matter?
It only lends to us an opportunity to see that we are to be full also, only not of the things mentioned above.
We are to be full of things like grace, hope, charity, love, forgiveness, longsuffering, meekness, and all of the giftings of the spirit.
In the Exodus the children were full of the sacrificial lamb. Exodus 12:7-11
In the Psalms the author was full of the Word of God. Psalm 119:11
In the 71st chapter of Psalms the authors mouth was filled with praise.
In the Song of Solomon the suitors nostrils were filled with the fragrance of the beloved.
Jeremiah in ch 21
was so full of the word that to not declare it caused his bones to burn in an urge to declare the word of GOD to the nations.In Acts ch 4 the followers were filled with the Holy Ghost.
The disciples were filled with joy, and again, with the Holy Ghost in Acts 13:52.
The true church was filled with knowledge and goodness in regards to the manner of encouraging each other. Romans 15:14
Filled with the fullness of the very GOD so that you may know the love of Christ in Ephesians 3:19.
Filled with the Spiritand not excesses of the world in Ephesians 5:18.
We are to be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which come only by Jesus Christ, to glorify GOD, Philippians 1:11.
All of these are good and pleasing to the Father, yet still;
There are many things of the world that a person can make a choice to be filled with and
none of them are pleasing to the Christ .The laws of humanity dictate that whenever we are full of something it will eventually spill out, usually at a time of the most inconvenience.
Scripture says that what comes out of a man will either sanctify him or will be his defilement.
Are you or someone you know filled with,
Genesis 6:13Independence
Deuteronomy 31:20Unhealed loathsome disease
Psalm 38:7Self
Proverbs 1:31Mischief
Proverbs 12:21Filled with vain imaginations of your own worth
Proverbs 14:14Filled with the choices to rail against what GOD says is good and right and teach others to do likewise Jeremiah 16:18
Filled yourself with the blood of the innocent as you stood idly by and did nothing as the choice was made to murder another child? Jeremiah 19:4
Bitterness Lamentations 3:15
Drunkenness, with sorrow, with confusion, or desolation Ezekiel 23:33
Pride Hosea 13:6
Lies Acts 5:3
Envy, contradiction, and blaspheming Acts 13:51
Full of the devil,
Romans 1:29-32
“ Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of GOD, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of GOD, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”Jesus told his followers in John 14:30.…….”the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.”
Satan had no claim to the Christ, as there was nothing in Him that Satan could claim as his own.
Whenever you make a deposit into a bank account , the record is made and the deposit is yours even though someone else holds it.
It is the same thing in our lives, our bodies our spirits and our souls can receive deposit, they can be filled.
The owner then is able to examine each deposit and to use them as he sees fit.
Make the right choices, be filled with the things of God, a day is coming in which all the deposits ever made into you will be examined and measured.
May nothing of Satan be found in you.
We have received word recently of a sister in the nation of Kenya (I will not divulge her name as her life is in imminent danger) who runs an orphanage and preaches the gospel to all who will listen, was shot through the chest just recently by those who hate all things good.
She is in critical condition and laying in a clinic in an area outside of the slum in which she ministers.
Her faith is strong even as her body wanes.
Please pray for her and if by chance you would help financially, I will be glad to give you the name of her contact on the continent of Africa.
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