Saturday, March 1, 2008

pt 1 of 4

There is a battle between truth and error going on inside of each person.

That battle is for a persons soul.

The devil persuades many that evolution is the vehicle that man kind was born from. The adversary puts into the minds of many that the Bible is not Gods Word but just a book written by men. He makes some believe that it is too difficult to understand. And if you do believe the Bible is the perfect Word of GOD, then Satan will do everything possible to stop you from studying it, by using many distractions and other devices.

If you study the Bible then the devil will try to cause you to believe that certain passages do not mean exactly what they say, or that there is a different way of interpreting for each individual.

If you believe the Word then he will try to choke out the Word that you have learned, by causing you to desire more of the pleasures of the world, by throwing more of the lusts of this world at you, the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, and many other devices.

Satan is the master of mixing the truth with deception and having you buy into the weakened position, and causing confusion and turmoil in your life.

The evil one persuades many people that there is no heaven, hell, judgment or God. He causes many to think that he does not even exist, or that if he does exist, he is nothing more that a little cartoon character with horns and a pitchfork, who while mischievous is more humorous than dangerous.

He causes many to be bitter towards God.

He causes far too many to be deceived on what is salvation and how to receive it.

He blinds eyes, shuts up ears, and hardens hearts.

There are many people who think that they are being led of God, but are not. They teach others to follow the deception that is leading them and by so doing lead their followers merrily into the pit.

Many people attend churches that have blind leaders and become blinded themselves by their teachings.

These blind clergy “Outwardly appear righteous unto men” Matthew 23:28.

They “Appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones” Matthew 23:27.

They “Are as graves that appear not, and the men that walk over them (those whoattend such churches) are not aware of them (they are not aware that these are blind leaders) Luke 11:44.

It would never occur to such people that their ordained minister is, himself, on his way to sinners hell.

Paul told us very clearly…”Many….Corrupt the word of God” 2 Corinthians 2:17.

These blind clergy combine Gods Word with deception and tradition of men.

Millions of people attend these dead, ceremonial, entertainment driven, people-pleasing churches and are lulled into a false confidence that they will enter heaven when they die.

It just never occurs to them that the church they attend will lead them to eternal separation in the place of fire.

They put their faith in a chosen leader, (celebrity worship) church building, denomination or lack of such affiliation, and its half-truth doctrines.

Only after they die will they realize that they were deceived and made an eternal mistake.

Satan puts into the minds of many that he can never deceive them; therefore, they are deceived already and let their guard down-as an army that is caught by surprise and is defenseless when the attack comes.

Not only does Satan speak to you in your thoughts but he speaks to you through many people, and you may never know it. People are extremely gullible and lack knowledge of the ways and devices of the devil.

Satan puts into peoples minds that they never sin, and many will believe this, even though the Bible says “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

Satan has created numerous false religions throughout the world that have led billions of people to hell.

Others may attend churches that teach some from the Bible, yet they are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Many will confess Christ; that they are saved, and yet the light that is in them is in actuality darkness, and the darkness has blinded their eyes.

They know not where they are going.

There is a battle going on for their soul but too many will not realize this until it is too late.

Again the Bible warns that many people will perish and few will enter into heaven.

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction. And many there be which go in thereat.” Many people follow the path to destruction or to perish in hell. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The Bible clearly states that few people will find the true way to salvation.

Few people will enter the kingdom of heaven.

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