Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A mans role

Men are you leading your families spiritually?

As believers we are to know the Bible, but it is the mans duty as head of the family unit to see that his family is completely versed in Gods word.

This is precisely where the Christian men in this country have fallen down.

It is our responsibility to teach and admonish our wives and children that they read and understand the word of God.

God is a strict advocate of home schooling; the early church would have thought it heretical to send their children off to a Roman run school for Biblical training.

Many years ago in the U.S. the public schools taught the Bible as well as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

This is no longer the case.

Although our public schools are very religious, the religion currently taught is the religion of secular humanism.

At any rate, we are not to leave Biblical training of our family members to outside influences.

We simply cannot expect the Church in one hour on Sunday mornings to teach our kids

the whole counsel of God.

Make no mistake, God will hold Christian fathers accountable for the spiritual instruction of their families.

If we men don’t take the initiative to lead our families in all areas of spiritual growth, who will?

Who would you have teaching your children the word of God?

God has set up a leadership chart for us to follow.

The head of the Church is Jesus, the Christ,

Jesus is mans spiritual leader, and man is the spiritual leader of the family.

Look at it as a corporate organizational chart; we’ve probably all seen them in the companies we’ve worked for.

They start off listing the most senior person in the firm, and usually end up with middle management.

At the top we see the company CEO/President, then follows the Vice President, and below him is the Chief Accounting Officer, and so on right down the list to the middle management team.

On your organizational chart Jesus the Christ is in the top position, then the man as the spiritual leader, and then the woman as supporting the man.

In many Christian households in this country men have relinquished their position of authority to the women of the house and have opted for what they believe is a better position, one of sitting around watching the sports channel.

Substitute whatever extracurricular activity wish in place of watching the sports channel, it really doesn’t matter; it is an abomination to God if it distracts the man of the house and pulls him away from his God given responsibilities.

Brothers……….this should not be so.

As you study your Bibles you will find that men overwhelmingly have been placed in leadership roles.

God does this for a purpose.

It isn’t that He places women in a subservient role; women are our equal, not our slave.

As family men we are to love the one which God has placed in our lives as our help mate.

Love your wife as Christ loves the Church.


If this were the case today the divorce rate in the Church would be much less than it is in the world.

Sadly it is actually higher than in the world.

The latest statistics indicate that 67% of professing Christians divorce.

That’s 17% higher than in the world of unbelievers.

What’s happening?

Why are professing Christian men and women beginning to follow the example set forth by the world?

Many Christian men, as well as women have allowed worldly influences to permeate their mind to the point that their minds are being corrupted, having lost the majority of the godly influence and are now being filled with filth, strife and evil thoughts continually.

The world no longer sees any difference between Christian men and women and themselves.

Christians having read the Bible and knowing the truth of Gods word, are given a huge advantage over that of worldly couples.

We can withstand the evil temptations of this world through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.

What do the non-believers have?


At a fifty percent marital failure rate it’s a crap shoot for them whether or not their marriage actually survives.

Many Christian men have relinquished the title of family spiritual leader and they have opted out of the responsibilities God gave them in favor of a simpler path, one of virtually non resistance.

Many men have seen that their wives are more than willing to be the leaders and so they are basically stepping aside and allowing their spouses to take over that position.

This leads to ignorance and apathy on the part of the man.

In short, the women begin to wear the pants in the family.

***Women want and need a strong man to be the spiritual leader of their family.***

This is where the marriage unit beings to crumble, a woman will begin to seek someone stronger than herself and most assuredly stronger than her apathetic husband.

When she finds this, “real man” she will bring an end to the God ordained marriage she once enjoyed.

This is a huge mistake; God placed the man in the roll of spiritual leader for a purpose.

“But suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam wan not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression” 1 Timothy 2:12,14.

Paul is telling us that the man is to be the leader in all things spiritual and in particular, in the Christian household.


“Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it,” Ephesians 5:22, 25.

Do not misunderstand, men are not to lord over their wives and children, but to love them and teach them Gods word and be there for them in all matters spiritual and otherwise.

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4

This is good and acceptable to the Lord.

Any other path is not acceptable to God.

We aren’t to relinquish our duty of leadership to our wives; our wife is our help mate and she has plenty on her plate to contend with without taking on this responsibly also.

What’s happening in the Christian Church today is many men just don’t care.

We can see the devastation of many a Christian home where the man has turned from his God-given role and the mom has had to step into the role of spiritual leader.

It doesn’t work well.

In many households across this nation men aren’t even followers of Christ.

If moms want their children to receive a spiritual understanding of God, then she’s forced to take on this chore herself.

Just as Eve was deceived, women today can be deceived as well.

They seek after a spiritual source and in many cases that source can lead them and their children into a totally erroneous doctrine and even further from Jesus Christ.

Gods ways are perfect; He set up the roles of men and women in society to keep everything moving on an even keel.


Nothing can supplant Gods perfect approach to His leadership scenario without going against His perfect will.

How can we men get back to Gods perfect will in our lives and continue to occupy until He comes?

By giving our lives back to Jesus and determining to live as God instructed us, as, we return to the center of His will.

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