pt. 2
The milk of the Word has been watered down with lots of water.
Watered down milk is cheaper and easier to deliver to the masses than the heavier, nourishing, undiluted Word of the Lord.
The born again Christian desires and deserves the Pure Spiritual Milk ( 1 Peter 2:2) that has not been watered down with other things.
It is not man, but the Holy Spirit that opens a mans heart to understand.
So few seem to realize this.
It is a church age where Gods Word is proclaiming, Preach The Word (2 Timothy 4:2). Jesus (the Word) is outside the church knocking, yet it seems that no one has ears to hear.
What a blind church age it is!
Jesus is about to return; many signs increasingly testify to that fact.
Nevertheless, many churches will not teach Bible prophecy.
Even though much of the Bible pertains to prophecy concerning the end of the gentile age and the return of Christ, it is ignored.
Many churches teach on love, but have no love toward the born again person who is willing to take a righteous stand against the evil in this age.
They speak love and yet do not exhibit love in their lack of commitment to spreading the gospel of Jesus in their cities in the form of personal evangelism.
Many churches think they can see just how blind others are, but fail to see how blind they themselves are.
Many churches teach little or no Biblical doctrine, yet they wipe their mouths and say, “I have done no wrong”.( Proverbs 30:20)
In their blindness they have become the fulfillment of the Laodicean prophecies.
It is all too common to find church members who say they follow Christ, but are involved in every sort of sin imaginable.
Many of these same people hold positions of authority.
They may oversee the church’s businessaffairs, including the hiring and dismissing of pastors, yet they themselves, are spiritually dead and ignorant of Gods Word.
The church has been infected with leaven (false doctrine), which has grown like cancer, reaching to the very core.
The entire church is infected and sick, but does not know it.
Many missionaries take the false doctrine of the Laodicean church to the mission field and thereby further deceive the very people that he has come to teach.
Many missionaries partake of the heathen traditions of the indigenous population and in their futile efforts to win favor, exhibit an opposition to the Word of God.
When the missionary comes home he often has intertwined the pagan customs with the truth of the Word until neither is faithful.
It is wrong for pastors to allow heathenism, and the teachings of false religions into the church,….. to do so is sin.
Sin to those who bring the false teachings and sin to those who willingly or ignorantly allow it.
And sin to those who recognize the deception, yet do not have the courage to speak out about it.
There is one God and one Mediator, the man Christ Jesus.
No Buddhist, no Taoist, no Hindu, no Muslim, no Animist, no Coptic, nor any humanly Vicar, or their teachings have any place at the table of grace.
It was purchased by Christ and should be honored as such and not polluted with the doctrine of demons.
It is wrong for Christians to become involved in tradition that opposes the Word of God.
It is also wrong for Christian pastors to knowingly allow these practices among the flock of which they have been granted oversight.
To do so is willful sin on the pastors part and only serves to perpetuate the “leaven”.
Murder, theft, drugs, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, abortions, greed, materialism, swearing, hatred, and every manner of sin conceivable exist in our congregations.
Nevertheless, many of the unrepentant people that do these things will attend our churches this Sunday and never be told that sin is wrong, they will leave unchanged and unconvicted, being only emboldened to continue in iniquity.
In many churches the congregation is lead in song, after song, after song, until there is little or no time left for the speaker to bring the Word of God with the anointing of the Spirit.
The song is not the worship.
Throughout the ages the reading and preaching of the Word of God has been considered worship, and in many instances the congregation would stand for hours in solemn reverence as the Word was examined.
The truth of Gods Word has been abandoned and rejected by this generation, this abandonment has been perpetuated by a careless Church who has forgotten the Cross, the
Blood and the Resurrection of Christ.And replaced it with the feel good message of a false freedom to live in any manner that the individual chooses and still be accepted by a Holy and Just, God.
Recognize what is happening to this generation and weep for it, and teach the truth, in love, and in righteousness.
Colossians 4:12-13
“Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I bear him record, that he hath, a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and in Hierapolis.”
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