Thursday, May 15, 2008



This is the church age from which the Antichrist will emerge.

It is the church age Paul talked about that would not “endure sound doctrine, but would gather around themselves teachers that would say just what their ITCHING EARS wanted and desired to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3).

Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming.

The first thing He said was, “Take heed that no man deceive you” , (Matthew 24:4) before Jesus ever warned about wars and rumors of wars; before He related about famines, earthquakes, and diseases; before He told about the Gospel being published among all nations, He warned about the age of religious deception that would come.

This is that church age.

In the history of the seven churches, there has never been a church age so filled with deceptive doctrines and ideas, yet so totally ignorant of its true condition.

In the church of Sardis (the “dead” church), there were only a few names that had not defiled their garments. (Revelation 3:4)

However in the Laodicean church age, there is not even a mention of even a “few” that are not blind and naked.

This is very much in harmony with the Scriptures relating the coming of the Lord being as in the days of Noah, wherein FEW souls were saved.

Despite the overwhelming witness of Gods Word, regarding this church, they are in total ignorance of the truth, often preaching just the opposite.

Today’s church is full of deception; it will perish.

It is a church where people are entertained and made to feel good, instead of falling upon their knees in godly sorrow for sin.

It is a church age for laughing rather that for crying.

It is a church age of saying a sinners prayer and believing a person is saved, even though afterward there is absolutely no evidence of repentance, the fruits of the Spirit, doing the will of God, or the fruits of the works of God.

In some cases, the preachers, know these things, but will not tell their congregations the truth.

Some are afraid that people might leave their church and go elsewhere.

They love the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Having lots of unsaved or lukewarm people means more to them than having a few hot, spiritual people.

It is a church that has time to do all manner of things, but does not find time to humbly dwell in and study Gods Word as if their life depended on it.

It is the church age when thousands of Christian preachers may preside daily over funerals declaring that the deceased person is now in heaven---when in reality, he is screaming, tormented in the flames of hell.

When have you ever heard a preacher at a funeral say that the deceased person went to hell?

The Bible clearly shows that only a few are truly saved by the grace of God; however, if one would listen to the preachers at funerals, it would seem that everyone goes to heaven.

The preaching in many of today’s churches, consists of foolishness, jokes, storytelling, and teaching what pleases people, rather than Gods pure Word.

They do not preach that even the “thought of foolishness is sin “(Proverbs 24:9).

Some of Americas best comedians are behind pulpits.

Should a preacher, who gets the congregation laughing with jokes, then expect people to fall on their faces before God with conviction for sin and with tears of repentance?

Is this the way Jesus preached?

Did Jesus try to comfort those that came to hear Him with jokes, foolishness, or other antics to cause them to laugh?

The preaching in far too many of today’s churches, consists of reading a few Bible verses; then listening to the preacher talk about himself, his family, and other incidents that may relate somewhat to the verses.

The people learn very little if any about Jesus.

They learn practically nothing of the Word of God and of comparing the Word with the Word.

On the other hand they learn too much about the preacher, his family, his friends, the things he has done, and the list goes on.

What a blind church age we live in, when we spend more time in conversation about books that celebrities have written, teaching them for truth, rather than studying the absolute truths found in the Word of God!

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