Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Understanding Discouragement

One of the most memorable and probably misquoted words of a poet, come from Robert Burns.

The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray

Sometimes in life, even with the best laid plans and the best of intentions, the details of this life do not work out in the way that we thought they would.

As Israel was nearing the last days of their wilderness journey, a notable statement is recorded in Numbers 21:4.…”and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” The word “way” in Hebrew implies “because of the distance, direction, and difficulty of the course.” In other words, the journey was harder and the burden was heavier than they had originally expected.

I read a story of two young boys who would approach those already shoveling snow and offer to finish the job for them for twenty dollars. When asked why they would go to those already shoveling snow they replied, We make most of our money from those who are half finished and want to quit.”

Discouragement is both cancerous and contagious!

The negative report of the ten spies discouraged and defeated an entire generation.

In his discouragement, Peter went back to the old life of fishing and all of the other disciples followed along.

Until we can conquer discouragement, it is highly unlikely that we will ever conquer anything else.

Let us consider why this is so.

Discouragement  distracts our purpose.

In Psalm 32:8, the Lord promises to…”instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go..” It would do us well to remember that when the path we walk becomes difficult, if the Lord is truly the one that has led us, there will always be something to learn, something to do, or something to gain.

Nineteenth century British hymn writer and theologian Frederick W. Faber said it this way,
“There are no disappointments to those whose wills are buried in the will of God.”

In his dying days, John the Baptist became so discouraged that he questioned if Jesus was really the long awaited Savior.

The response Jesus sent to John was a gentle reminder that the purposes of God were being fulfilled.

With the haze of discouragement lifted, John was able to peacefully and courageously glorify the Lord through his death.

Discouragement is a hazard to our service because it lowers our discernment and paralyzes our determination.

That is why Peter needed the reminder to “feed My sheep,” and Timothy needed the reminder to “Preach the Word.”

As we follow the Lord, there are times when the path makes no sense, and places where the path does not seem sure. However, the key to survival amidst discouragement is maintaining the resolve of Job 28:23, “God understands the way…”

Discouragement distorts our perceptions.

In Job 23:10, after assessing the path he was forced to walk, Job came to the conclusion, “But He knoweth the way that I take….”

Few things can dishearten a servant of God like the feeling that your work is going unnoticed or that your work seems futile.

When Elijah sat beneath the juniper tree in 1 Kings 19, it was these critical and condemning voices that drowned out Gods voice, and filled him with suicidal fear.

When they were young, I taught my sons as many things as they would allow. I would monitor the steps taken before they had mastered certain tasks, and discovered that my part in much of their learning process was only to stand back and be observant. Often I left them alone and went to a place where I could see them, yet they could not easily see me. I was there watching and listening , willing to offer help if only they needed it.

All of us have experienced times when the Lords presence seemed far away.

We need not fear that the Lord has completely withdrawn His presence, or is displaying a lack of interest in our endeavors, but rather we should see it as an exhibit of His heart trusting that we will do what is right during those times when we do not perceive His immediacy.

Nineteenth century minister DeWitt Talmage once said, “When omniscience has lost its eyesight, and omnipotence falls back to impotence.. Then the Church of Jesus Christ can afford to be despondent, but never until then.”

The very moment that we experience a loss of heart may be just the moment we are nearer to finding Gods heart than ever before!

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