Friday, February 3, 2012

Perhaps Very Soon

Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meschech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:” Ezekiel 38:2-3.

It certainly looks as if we are seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy that God gave to Ezekiel.

In the last few days the enormity of the threats, rhetoric, and unsolvable problems that has been publicized by the media involving political relation between Iran, Russia, the U.S., China and Israel is chilling to even the most casual observer.

Daily and even hourly I am asked by concerned people from all walks of life and nations, “What is going on?” and “What does it all mean?”

We are witnessing around the globe the things spoken of by Christ in the books of Matthew ch 24 and in Luke ch 21. At the same time we see the exponential increase in the numbers and intensity of earthquakes, storm, famines, with the threat of impending plague, as scientist tinker with virus after virus with the intent of studying the effects of uncontrollable and untreatable flu upon the mass of humanity.

We are witnessing signs in the heavens and the falling away of believers as they are duped into believing that the great “Catching” away of all true believers is either a lie, a misunderstanding , or an event that will not happen in their lifetime.

The nation of Iran, under the rule of Islam, is closer by the day to developing a nuclear weapon with which they will exercise dominance in the Middle East and will be able to hold devastation over the heads of every nation in the world.

Above all of that is the seemingly daily threat from the Mullahs of Iran to wipe the nation and peoples of Israel from the face of the earth. Just today 02.03.2012, the chief Ayatollah of Iran declared Israel to be a cancer upon the face of the earth , that needed to be surgically removed, either by another nation or by Iran herself.

Along with Iran’s threat comes Israel’s promise to preemptively end the threat of a Nuclear Iran, which has the great likelihood of ushering in battles that we read about in the book of Ezekiel chs, 38 and 39.

Russia, likely the biblical (Magog) has promised that a strike on Iran is the same as a strike on Moscow, making any strike against Iran a very dangerous and uncontrollable calculation.

There is good news in this matter, in the fact that the Holy God has made promise to defend Israel, during her darkest hour.

There is however no such promise made to the United States of America, unless we unwaveringly maintain an allegiance to the nation and peoples of Israel. If any nation will follow the word of God as stated to Abraham, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee.” Genesis 12:3

While the United States of America has partnered with Israel until this moment, it remains to be seen if we maintain that partnership, when it comes to an all out confrontation with the enemies of Israel. After all it is an election year, and our current administration has committed to ending Americas role in fighting radical fundamental Islam and in an immense downsizing of the US military.

The book of Ezekiel further expounds upon this scenario, “And I will send a fire upon Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles; and they shall know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 39:6

It looks as if God is serious what the future of Magog holds, and then God refers to a “them” in the same thought. Who is God referring to when He says “I will send a fire among them that dwell carelessly in the isles?” The Hebrew word that indicates “carelessly” can also be used to mean in safety or security. The Hebrew word could also mean a sense of false security or a confidence in other than the hand of God.

I ask you, what country has been dwelling carelessly in their own country for decades?

Could it be the good old US of A, as we as a nation turn our backs on the God that we should trust and place all of our trust in the weapons of our own creation ?

It is prophesied that Persia (Iran) will attack Israel in the last days, and that Persia will be soundly defeated, and that other nations will be drawn in to the fray. “And I will turn thee back, and put hooks in thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army….” Ezekiel 38:4a

Do not doubt Iran’s resolve to induce war to the entire region and then the world, as that accomplishes the higher purpose of ushering in the Islamic Savior the 12th Imam, the man whom those who witness his advent will recognize his as the prophesied Anti-Christ of scripture.

It could be that the U. S. of A will come to Israel aid and convince Iran to drop its Anti Zionist pursuits, which will only delay the inevitable war for a very short time.

We live in very dangerous and exciting times. Dangerous in that if we do not know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior and as the ONLY way to a Holy God, we are living on the edge of destruction, both temporally and eternally.

Bu to those who do know Him in a personal manner, this is the most exciting of times as we watch Gods prophetic word unfold daily, right before our very eyes.

Each and every true Christian should be on the very edge of our seats as we see fulfillment of prophetic scripture come to pass.

So now we have to decide what to do as we wait on the return of our Lord.

Do we act as if we can amass enough material items in the form of food, water, guns, ammunition, gold and silver, or other commodities?

That is not the answer, as it only provides for a temporary hope, and that hope not strong enough to sustain. It is foolish to believe that any individual or group of individuals could survive for more than just a short time, considering the mass of humanity that will be running without rule in the search to take whatever is available from anyone who has it.

There is only one answer that suffices to overcome the troubles that are brewing on the horizon and that is to put your faith in Christ as Savior, Deliverer, Redeemer, and Sustainer.

One day in the very near future the true believer will hear a trumpet and a shout and will know the voice that calls out to His own, “Come up hither….”Revelation 4:1-2

If you don’t know for sure that you will recognize that voice when He call then I invite you to call out to Him, confess your sins, and ask for His cleansing, and then realize that we are saved, by grace alone thru faith alone in Christ alone.

Time is short, don’t delay your decision.

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