Yesterday 11.29.2006 the American people were delivered a formal letter from the President of Iran, H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The letter was seen as a joke by many people in the media and in several other segments of the American public.
The letter can be seen on the web site in the archives of 11.29.2006.
The letter was an invitation for the American populace to re-examine the job that our federal government is doing in relation to foreign policy, in regards to the war in Iraq, the battle against global terrorism and our relationship with Israel.
In the letter are two very peculiar sections, that all of those who believe that Mr. Ahmadinejad and the ruling Imams of Iran are not to be taken seriously, should look into carefully.
In the best that I can explain it, in the Imam controlled areas of the world, there is a code of morality that says that your enemies should be invited to turn to Islam and to join the jihadists in their war against the country or kingdom in question. In this case the invitation has been given to the U.S. of A.
Let me discuss two sections of the letter and break them down in regards as to the statement that is actually intended.
On page one the first full paragraph is more of a prayer than a statement.
It says
“O, Almighty God, bestow upon humanity the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers”
Seems harmless enough unless you understand who the perfect human that Mr. Ahmadinejad is speaking of.
In the beliefs of fundamental Islam there is a type of savior who is known as the twelfth Mahdi, he is the 12th grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
He is reported to have gone into hiding (down a well) in the middle of the 7th century A.D. and it is the hope of the fundamentalist that his return is imminent. He will usher in a period of war and famine on the face of the earth that will eliminate most of the infidels and will leave Islam victorious over all of her foes. The Jews, the people of the Book (Christians) and the nation of America.
In the book of Revelation we read about a beast that is released from a pit that is King over a great number of tormenters. The Kings name is Abaddon or Apollyon and his name means destroyer.
Revelation ch 9Keep in remembrance that when the true savior comes again it is not from a hole in the ground but standing on clouds so that all can see him,
(Matthew 24:30) He brings peace and not destruction.Everything that Satan is involved in is the opposite of the truth so when we see false end time religion in action it will always be a direct counterfeit of the Word of God.
John 8:44The word Quran in Arabic means submission, when the prayer is made to make us among his followers that is exactly what Mr. Ahmadinejad means , to make or to force us to follow this false prophet or king.
In the last four paragraphs of the letter; quoted below, we can see the declaration of a world of peace and safety, the warning to our government if they choose to not follow Islam, an invitation for all to take the path of faith while the opportunity is still there, and a scriptural quotation from the Quran that they believe that if there is salvation it is works based, and that God has no Son.
The very thought of God having a son is blasphemous to the Islamic ideology.
We are in a war that I fear that Western Civilization has not got the nerve or the determination to win. It is a war not with nation against nations, but with Kingdoms against Kingdoms.
Twice before Islam has attempted to over through Western civilization, in the 7th century the Islamic hordes were defeated by a King named Charles the Hammer, in the 16th century, the Islamic jihadist were thoroughly defeated at the battle of Venice by a number of nation who saw the need to defend themselves.
They are now fighting on four fronts, terrorism, propaganda, judicial, and financial, and are waging the battle to win.
The only way that they can be defeated is with overwhelming strength.
May the true God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, the God who is Father of Christ Jesus and who is our Savior, give our leaders strength, resolve, and determination for the fight that is just on the horizon.
Lift up your heads for our redemption draws near.
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