Have you ever had your sense of what is right or wrong so assaulted that your inner being feels violated to the core? Do you ever consider that the things that go on in the world with an ever increasing hostility toward the very God that many of us serve are only allowed in our society because the members of the Church have accepted the tenant that to be a Christian means to be blind to the evils of mankind under the guise of tolerance?
Do you feel violated as a Christian whenever we read in the news about a brother or sister in Christ who has been murdered because of their faith in the redeemer? Does the news that a racist hate-monger has burned down a church house that is used primarily by non-whites have any effect upon you? Whenever we hear of a man or woman, or child in a middle-eastern country who has come to faith in Christ that has been tortured, murdered and his entire lineage destroyed do we feel a kinship with him? Does the issue of removing the Ten Commandments from public schools, and other public buildings cause you to ponder where we are headed as a nation? Do you feel that you can share your faith boldly in your city without facing ridicule from your neighbors, family and fellow members of the Body of Christ? Try it and see how quickly those that should support you move off to the side and whisper that you have gone off the deep end.
Have you ever been offended by our government granting your hard earned tax dollars to such organizations as the National Endowment of Arts who gleefully support men and women who are so demented that a crucifix in urine, and the virgin and child covered in animal dung are considered valuable works of art and emblems of freedom of expression?
As a Christian, consider whenever you see a cross. Many consider it a significant religious emblem, some consider it a token of beauty by design, and almost all in our community have heard that at one time the very Son of the Living God willingly gave himself as a sacrifice for my and your sins upon a rugged cross that was the cruel weapon of choice for an execution.
In thecity that we live in there are those people that will defend the demon mascot as harmless and mostly just for fun. They will not consider that one of the areas of the ministry of Christ while on the earth was casting demons from humanity. Yet they willingly cling to and protect their chosen idol.
As the old song goes, On a hill far away , stands an old rugged cross, an emblem of suffering and shame. If you know the song, it sings of truth. The Christ hung upon the cross. The Christ suffered upon the cross. The Christ felt rejection from his Father upon the cross. My sins were forgiven because of the work of the cross of Christ.
In the Moore County News Press edition of October One, Two Thousand and Six, on the front page of the second section is a picture of a cross, it was meant as a token of memorial for a very dear person. There is a very glaring problem with that particular cross. In the center of the cross is the name demon. That my friends is very disturbing. It rips at my inner being that in a town where there are 40 plus churches that something like this is overlooked and regarded as just a moment in a very unique culture called Dumas.
In our city we honor the demon by building him thrones that can be seen for miles in any direction, we encourage our children in his worship by teaching them how to cheer for him, and we allow our children to go into his houses without any regard to the art work that they are encouraged to paint and decorate their hallways and rooms with. We dress them in demon regalia, and tell them how to become successful in their endeavors as demons.
We believe that honoring demons is harmless and forget that Christ stated that when you deny him, that he will deny you in heaven, before the angels and His Father (Matthew 10:32-33). Whenever we are called demons and do not object, we have done just that, denied Him.
The Christ was on the cross. It is the defining moment in all of human history.(Colossians 2:14-15)
Never has any devil or demon hung on a cross for your spiritual healing.
I encourage you to find a copy of that issue of the Moore County News Press and see the picture for yourself. If it does not violate your senses, then I encourage you to re-visit the moment of your full belief in the Christ of the cross.
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