Whenever you reflect upon the things that you have done with your life to this point, what do you see? Do you see a life lived in mediocrity, do you see a life lived in the shadow of fear or doubt? Do your see a life lived selfishly, serving only yourself for the purpose of pleasure and gain?
Whenever you look at the life that is being lived by those closest to you, what do you see? It likely mirrors the life that you lead, for we are drawn to whatever and whoever makes us comfortable.
In the 5th chapter of the book of Acts we see the Apostles preaching boldly the death, burial, and resurrection of the Christ. We further see those who are the most religious who are debating on what to do with the radicals in society who would upset tradition by teaching a salvation that is not based upon man.
The decision was made by those who knew best, to allow the upstarts to say whatever they would believing that after a while the masses would tire of their teachings. When this failed the decision was made to humiliate the Apostles and hope that the crowds would turn from them in fear, or out of disbelief in the God who would allow that to happen to his servants. When ignoring the truth, and embarrassing the bearers of truth, by way of demanding their silence, had no effect, the decision was made to eventually begin killing the Apostles. (Acts 5:33-42). In all of this the church grew exponentially as the truth of the word was preached.
The Messiah had come and His name is Jesus.
During this time, some of the same ones who had made the decision to silence or ignore the Apostles teachings began to believe that Jesus was Lord and to leave the priesthood of the Pharisees.
In (Acts 6:8-15) we see an Apostle named Stephen who the Bible declares was full of faith and power, being falsely accused of blasphemy and being tried by the same type of illegal court that the Christ had to go before. Stephen was accused tried and convicted based upon lies told by men who felt power slipping away, just as those who had a few months before crucified the very Messiah that they said they longed for.
The trial of Stephen is recorded in the book of Acts chapter 7:1-53 in it Stephen tells the story of the Jewish people and their refusal to believe the truth and the mistreatment and killing of all those that God had sent to testify of the truth. Stephen preached boldly the unashamed word of the Living God before those who he knew would kill him.
In vs. 54-60 we see where Stephen was taken outside of the town (an outcast) and stoned (not with little pebbles, but with the largest stones that a man could lift overhead and cast upon another persons stretched out body) until he was dead.
As this was occurring Stephen did a remarkable thing in sight and in hearing range of his murderers, he asked that God not hold his murders at fault. Christ did the same thing as He was being nailed, to an old rugged cross.
As Stephen was being killed in a very brutal way he declared that he could see Jesus at the Fathers right hand, not seated as we see in Ephesians 1:19-21, but standing as He welcomed home a true servant and hero of the faith.
Go back to the first few paragraphs of this note and based upon your evaluation of your life, ask yourself soberly, “Have I done anything in my life that would make Jesus desire to stand and perhaps applaud the way that I have served Him?”
Become a Stephen, or pray that someone you influence may become a Stephen,
dream that one day your service would inspire the Christ to stand in welcome ovation of a life lived exclusively for Him.
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