Sunday, July 22, 2007



Opposites attract.

In the natural this is a reality, as we can see so vividly just by understanding the most common examples.

One magnet is attracted to the other, but only on opposite sides or ends.

My wife tells me that a clean book shelf will become very dusty in just a few days, and my clean desk will always become cluttered whenever I sit at it for just a few moments.

Send a clean grandchild outdoors and the child that returns has found the mud in the garden and the hair from the shedding dog or cat.

In our lives and in that of our children, we see good attitude corrupted by exposure to bad attitude, or good intent spoiled by our exposure to a stronger willed person whose intent is not good.

Most of us are familiar with the composition of the atomic particle; in the simplest explanation it is held together only because of laws of design that state that opposites attract.

Let us examine this for just a moment; There are three basic components of the atomic structure, the proton, the neutron and the electron.

The proton is a positively charged subatomic particle.

The neutron is a negatively charged subatomic particle.

The electron is a negatively charged particle that spins around what is known at the atomic nuclei.

The atomic nuclei is the mass that is created when the proton and neutron are drawn together by attraction.

That would seem simple enough, however whenever one of the elements are disturbed something devastating can occur.

Nuclear fission, or as we would state an explosion with devastating consequence.

In the spiritual we are taught that what occurs in the natural is in many instances is not what we should prefer.

As the electron spins around the nuclei of the atom, it holds the mass together by being repelled by one and drawn to the other. Causing the spin or the rotation.

Using scripture as the guide to our relationship to the world and those of the world, we see that opposites really do not attract but rather should be repelled by each other.

In order for opposites relationally to co-exist, one of the opposites must become less than it would desire to be.

A great measure of caution should be used in any relationship with those who are outside of a walk of holiness, as far too many Christians are weakened and even corrupted whenever they cannot, or choose not to separate themselves from the world.

The scripture has many things to say about those who truly serve God and who have given themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the way that we must guard our relationship with the One who purchased our redemption with His own blood.

In the natural we see that it is true that opposites attract, but in the spiritual different laws exist.

To receive you must first give. Luke 6:38

To live you must die. Philippians 1:21

To be enlarged, you must first decrease. John 3:30

To gain, we must lose. Matthew 16:25

We are required to bless those who curse us. Matthew 5:44

We must be humbled before we can be exalted. 1 Peter 5:6

We must give up our own will to receive His. Mark 14:36

We must be born again. John 3:6-8

We must escape the entanglements of the world. 2 Peter 2:20

We must flee the magnet of temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Our God resists those with pride in their hearts and gives grace to the humble. James 4:6

If we know to do good and do it not then it is sin. James 4:17

If we communicate with the evil our good behavior is corrupted. 1 Corinthians 15:33

We must separate our lives from those who know not our Lord. 2 Corinthians 6:17

There is a noticeable difference between the holy and the unholy. Leviticus 10:9-11

The righteous have no business with the un-righteous

Light has no communion with darkness,

And a believer and an unbeliever can not agree for long. 2 Corinthians 6:14

The intellect of man can discover and understand some of the natural laws that God has by His own hand put into place, and yet intellect as found in humanity cannot fathom the truth as stated in 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”

Only faith in us in the same measure that a child bears faith will allow us to fully understand the laws of the spiritual Luke 18 :16-17

To know you Lord and your ways first, is my prayer for all of us.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


How many times have we heard the statement that , the Nation of Israel and the City of Jerusalem in particular are the keys to understanding the prophecies concerning the very end of the gentile age?

Read almost any legitimate newspaper on a daily basis and we can very easily see that Biblical Prophecy in regards to the return of the Son of God, is spelled out bit by bit, article by article, page by page.

In just the last week we have seen Russia turn from embracing a pro-western attitude to a return to the saber rattling and brutish forms of diplomacy, that are reminiscent of what was known as the Cold War Era. Threatening to target European cities with nuclear tipped missiles, and ordering a resurgent Russian military to be ready to accept an onslaught of new materials and weapons.

We must remember that it is prophesied that an alliance between what most scholars believe to be Russian soil and peoples, and those that make up the Muslim nations will come against the Nation of Israel prior to Christ’s return. ( Ezekiel chs. 37 & 38 )

One of the most significant stories of last week (in my opinion) was that of ex Prime Minister of Israel and past Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Shimon Peres, being elected and appointed to the Presidency of Israel.

It is a position that in reality wields very little power to control the government of Israel.

It is however significant in light of the following facts.

Shimon Peres was born in Poland.

Shimon Peres is 83 years old.

Shimon Peres was personal assistant to the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion.

Shimon Peres is a Nobel Laureate.

Shimon Peres has always pursued peace before aggression.

Shimon Peres is the last living government official of his generation, the generation that saw both the establishment of the Nation of Israel, and the victory in the Six Day War of June 1967, in which the Temple Mount and the Western Wall were captured and reclaimed as Jewish territory along with the West Bank, which has now been turned over to Palestinian control.

Shimon Peres as elder statesmen will be very respected and his word will carry more weight than past presidential office holders.

Shimon Peres has stated that his entire term will be dedicated to seeking peace by any and all means.

What does that all mean?

Let us look at what the Holy Scripture gives as reason that this is significant, and then you can make up your own mind, if this is meaningful or not.

In the book of Isaiah chapter 66 vs. 8 we read where the Prophet is speaking to the Lord.

“Who hath heard of such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.”

Isaiah had just heard the prediction that the final restoration of Israel will be astonishing and complete and that the nation will “be born at once” during a time of great travail. The prophecy was partially fulfilled on May 15, 1948 when Israel declared its independence, and will finds its final fulfillment when Christ returns.

The Fig Tree was established, and the people that had been scattered among the nations for two thousand years, had been re-gathered and is ongoing at this time.

Jesus being quoted in the book of Luke, speaks of the fig tree and her maturity.

Luke ch 13 vs. 28-30 “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.”

That is the significance in all of this.

The nation has been restored on May 14 1948

The City of David, Jerusalem, is in Jewish possession, June 7 1967,

There is a world wide war going on that is not nation against nation but is kingdom against kingdom.

We see the alignment of nations as prophesied in the book of Ezekiel ch 38.

The last politician that represents a specific generation is once again in the political spotlight. And his remaining natural years would seem to be short.

And that specific generation will not pass until all things pertaining to the gentile age are fulfilled.

Please seek the Lord and listen for His voice as to whether all this has direct implications in the end of days.

In any stretch of the imagination our time in the Church Age is growing short.

To be effective we must do as John the Baptist did and declare that the Kingdom is at hand and it is time to make straight the path in the wilderness.

Monday, July 2, 2007




How often have we as followers of the Christ, felt as if we had prayed the last word that we could, or felt as if we had ministered to as much filth covered humanity as we could stomach?

We complain and cry that all of our effort is for naught, as we do not see immediate results, not trusting in Gods timepiece but instead clockwatching and calendar marking on some worthless item we purchased at the discount store or preferably someone gave to us as a gift. Its free then, and we actually value it less.

We boastfully say that, if this or that would occur then we would step into what God has planned for us since our inception.

We make every excuse imaginable to justify our chosen sin; sin that we entered into with our eyes wide open, not caring that Jesus hurts in the fact that His Bride is not faithful.

We throw a pity party, and all are invited, with the hope that perhaps someone will tell me how good I am!!!

Not long ago, I was allowed to have a small part in a large evangelism movement in another state.

The days are long and the nights are longer as the needs of many are met.

Physical needs and spiritual needs. Times of rejoicing for those who grasp the need for a savior, and times of sorrow for those who will not and may never accept that God sent His only Son to meet the ransom for all who will believe.

After the last invitation was given and the crowd dispersed, I was privileged to witness an occurrence that I pray that I will never recover from.

Every night of the event I was in the presence of a man blind from birth, a man with a heart for the things of God, a man who reads the word in Braille, a man who witnesses to the sighted, and a man who is a drummer in a praise band, a man who shouts,( to say he sings would be a stretch),“let the blind man say I can see again“, during the vocalization of the lyrics to Let the River Flow.

When I first heard him scream that lyric, I thought it was a prayer of hope, or a plea for mercy.

Foolish me. My blind brother was declaring that his heart is right and his motives are pure.

As an unsighted man, he was not able to do the things that others were during the event, however as the stage was being dismantled, he was able to hear another brothers voice and to grab him by the hand, and to plead to be put to some use, after all he is not helpless.

The reply made by the sighted man was, I do not know what you can do.

My blind brother stated that he would do anything, anything at all, he just had to be a part.

The sighted brother took him to a portion of the stage where not much activity was going on and at that moment these (mine) blind eyes saw true service.

He was crawling on his hands and knees pulling on and following a trail of duct tape that had to be removed before the stage could be taken down.

His smile was enormous, my eyes watered and are even now as I see the waste of those who could serve and yet choose not to serve.