Sunday, April 26, 2009

“The Mystery Flu” The day is over and you are driving home.
You tune in your radio.
You hear a little news blurb about a remote village in India where some villagers have died suddenly, strangely, of a type of flu that has never been seen before.
It is not your typical influenza, but several are dead and many more are desperately ill.
The symptoms are severe, and they are sending a team from the Center for Disease Control to conduct an investigation.
In the whirl of moment you do not think much of it, as your only concern is to return home to those who await you.
On the ride home from church on Sunday, you hear another story on the radio news that rivets your attention, only this time the death toll is not a few, but there are multiple thousands in a remote spot in India that are dying.
On a cable news service that you are viewing the story goes major with wall to wall coverage.
Governments the world over are pouring aid and investigators into the area to ease the suffering, but more importantly to identify the illness and to develop a strategy to contain the growing circle of exposure.
On Monday morning, it is the Headline Story in your area newspaper.
It is no longer contained in India, but has spread regionally to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and is beginning to appear in even more distant areas, and is becoming so discussed that the name of “the mystery flu” is coined and used by everyone.
The President has mentioned that he and everyone within his sphere of influence are praying and hoping that all will turn out all right “over there”.
But everyone we speak to is concerned, what is it, will it be contained, will it just mutate and go away, or will it attack me, and those who are mine?
Then we hear that the President of France has just made an announcement that rattles the continent of Europe.
He will close the borders of France with no air travel allowed from, or into any area where “the mystery flu” is suspected of having a foothold.
Later that day when you again visit the cable news feed you are appalled when an interview is ran and is being translated from French with English captions of a weeping woman who states “There is a man being treated in a hospital in Paris that is dying from “the mystery flu.”
It has now officially spread to Europe and panic in a personal and global reality begins to set in.
The symptoms stated as simply as possibly are beginning to be made known, first there is an incubation period of about a week, and then the early onset begins to resemble flu, with a fever and aches and pains, and then four days later you are desperately ill with a majority of your internal organs going through varying degrees of failure, and no one who exhibits any of the later symptoms will survive.
Borders of many nations all over the world are closed in an attempt to slow down the infection rate.
Finally the President makes his proclamation “Due to a national security risk, all flights to and from Europe and Asia have been cancelled. There will be no exceptions. No one moves into or out of the country until there is a resolution of this thing called “the mystery flu.”
Within a week the world has been thrust into an unbelievable fear.
In the market places, items are being sold that are promoted as a preventative or even a cure, and people are snapping them up at rates that will not allow the shelf inventory to be maintained.
“The mystery flu” is the only topic of discussion, at your workplace, at your health club, at your beauty shop, and in the media.
Television stations are interviewing ministers, both local and national, and there are lines being drawn between those who represent the church.
Some are stating that the problem is overblown, some that it will pass, some that it is just a testing, and some state that it is a judgment being poured out on humanity.
While others are stating that there are some who will escape the taint of death.
On Wednesday night across the nation, church doors are open, some that would normally be closed, as a matter of business decision.
It doesn’t matter now, times are desperate, and the houses are full.
Suddenly some one bursts in and shouts for someone to turn on a radio, as the news is out that now the horror, of “the mystery flu’ has arrived.
In a hospital on the east coast of the U.S.of A., several people have been hospitalized and are in the final life stages of “the mystery flu.”
Within hours the news media is reporting that nationwide people are exhibiting symptoms that can have only one cause, “the mystery flu.”
Doctors, Scientists, Immunologist, all are working around the clock to find an antidote, a vaccine, or a cure.
Just as suddenly as the appearance of the disease, the discovery is made, and yes, there is a cure for the dreaded disease.
It will take only one thing. The uninfected blood of the innocent and undefiled. Someone who even though exposed, has not become infected.
In every community, in every state in the nation, the call goes out , martial law is imposed, and it is required of all people no matter the age or life status, to report to centers that have been setup, for immediate blood testing.
It is urgent!
All of humanity will be doomed if the blood of the perfect one is not identified.

The order is given on Friday that all of the people on your side of town will report to the parking lot of the local hospital.
As you arrive you are met by a long line of folks and by many doctors, nurses and volunteers, dressed in hospital garb, and running to and fro.
There are stations set up where blood is being drawn from each individual, with no exceptions being made.
After you and your family have had your turn at the mandatory donation area, you are informed to go to a staging area to wait until your name is called, at which time you will in all probability be allowed to return to your home.
You wait idly, scared, uncertain of the future, and thinking that surely the world is coming to an end, and that there likely is no hope.
Suddenly a young man charges through the crowd yelling at the top of his lungs a name that sounds like it could be yours.
He approaches your staging area yelling louder and frantically waving a sheet of paper.
Your small son tugs at your pants, saying, “Daddy, that man is calling my name.”
Before you can gather your thoughts they have laid hold upon your son.
“Wait just a minute” you protest. “What is happening here?”
The medical representatives say “Its O.K., his blood is clean. His blood is pure. We want to make certain that he does not have the disease. We think he has the right type.”
Five minutes later the doctors and nurses come out of the building, all of them laughing and crying and hugging one another.
It is the first time you have seen anyone laugh in over a week, and an old doctor approaches you and says, “Thank you sir, Your sons blood is perfect and pure, and it will allow us to make the necessary vaccine.”
The word ripples across the parking lot slowly at first and then like a wave that is crashing upon a beach. The celebration starts with people singing, praying and giving thanks that there will be a vaccination and any who will take it will be saved from the death brought on by “the mystery flu.”
Your celebration is short lived as the same old doctor pulls you aside and states to you that “We really did not expect the donor to be a minor……and that we need you to sign a consent form.”
“No problem” you agree, until you see the amount of blood that is required.
You soon realize that it is too much.
You see the doctors smile fade as he watches you grow pale with dread.
Through a numb mind, you hear him say, “We need it all, it will cost him his life, but we are talking about the entirety of humanity, after all.”
Please agree and sign quickly, there is not a moment to waste as many perish each moment that we delay.
“Can you not just give him a transfusion?” You ask.
You are given a choice. “Would you like to be present as we take the blood?”
Could you walk back to the room where he is and answer his questions?
“Daddy, Momma, what is going on, why cant we just go home, I’m scared!”
Would you be able to take his hand and explain to him that you would never let anything happen to him that was unnecessary?
How would you feel as he cried out for you to help him escape those he realized were his captors.
Would you cringe as he yelled out “DADDY!!!!”
The cure is given and offered freely to all who would accept it.
Many do.
Many more do not and will suffer the consequences of refusing the blood that heals.
It is a choice that they have been allowed to make for themselves.
The next Sunday, a community wide celebration honoring your son is planned, the emphasis will be on the extreme price that he paid to keep humanity from “the mystery flu.”
Sunday comes, and the building where the celebration is to take place is almost empty.
Would you be heart sick and angered that so many who have benefited from your sons ultimate sacrifice have so quickly forgotten what happened.
Would you be glad that in their new freedom that they prefer to sleep off a hangover, or to spend time at the lake, to go shopping, or to a movie , or just to sit at home with no care at all that a seat that only they can fill is empty and the celebration is less without them.
Would you yell out “My son died, why don’t you care?’
Can you hear God yell out, “My Son died for you. Don’t you know how much I care?”
Author is currently unknown
1 John 1:5-10This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and the word is not in us.”

All of us who are washed in the blood of the perfect sacrifice, should attempt to be in the house of celebration at every possible chance; what a great chance to honor our King and Savior with the saints of God.
Please read in the book for yourself; all of Revelation chapter 5, and we will see a worthy celebration that is being thrown for the One who gave Himself so that we could live, in eternity.
There is no GOD like JEHOVAH who alone would give himself as a ransom for those whom HE loves.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Added Lesson

1. What is Passion Week ?

Passion Week is the time described in, Matthew ch21-27 and Mark ch 11-15 and Luke ch 19-23 and John ch 12-19

Passion Week includes the triumphant entry, Jesus cleansing the temple for the 2nd time, Jesus giving the Olivet Discourse, Jesus and the disciples celebrating the Passover, Jesus arrest scourging , trial, mockery, beatings, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection.

It is considered Passion Week because of what Jesus willingly went through on our behalf.
How should we celebrate Passion Week ?

We should be passionate in our worship our service and our proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.

2. What is Palm Sunday ?

Palm Sunday is the day we remember Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection. (Matthew 21:1-11)

450 years earlier the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied (Zechariah 9:9)
(Matthew 21:7-9 ) records the fullfillment of that prophecy.

It is known as Palm Sunday because of the Palm branches that were laid on the road as Jesus entered Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday was the fullfillment of Prophet Danielsseventy weeks of sevenprophecy. (Daniel 9:25)

(John 1:11) tells us that His own knew Him not.

Five days later they chose Barrabas, (Matthew 27:22-23).

3. What Is Maundy Thursday ?

It is that day that Jesus celebrated the last Passover and instituted what we know as the Lords Supper.

Two important events are the focus of Maundy Thursday.

1. Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples and thereby instituted the Lords Supper/Communion (Luke 22:19-20).

2. Jesus washed the disciples feet as an act of humility and service, thereby setting an example that we should serve one another in humility (John 13:3-17). Some churches still observe foot washing ceremonies.

The word Maundy comes from the Latin word for command. Jesus commanded that His disciples should love one another.

Should Christians observe Maundy Thursday ?

It is a good thing to remember the Last Supper and it is good to remember the humility that Christ exhibited toward his disciples, we should however be careful to avoid ritualistic observances unless they are truly focused on our relationship with Messiah.


It is the traditional day of Christs crucifixion .

Are Christians commanded to celebrate Good Friday ?
(Romans 14:5)

The Bible does instruct us to remember Christ death by observing the Lords Supper (1 Corinthians 11:26).

Why is this day referred to as good when the deed that the Roman soldiers performed on the body of the Christ definitely was not good.
(Romans 5:8) (1 Peter 3:18)


God is all powerful and forgiving.
At the same time God is Holy just and righteous.
God in His Holiness demands that all sin be punished. (Romans 3:23and 6:23)

God is infinite and eternal.
Since all sin is against God (Psalm 51:4) the only just punishment for sin is eternal punishment.

The only way we can personally pay for our sin it to spend eternity in hell, in the lake of fire,(Revelation 20:14-15)

The good news is that God provided payment for our punishment.

Jesus was God in the flesh. (John 1:1,and 14).

When Jesus died on the cross it was payment enough for all the sin that had ever been or ever would be committed. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Our only obligation is to place all of our faith in that one act and our sins will be forgiven (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10).

His death was the only way our sins could be forgiven.

(1Peter 3:18-19)

What did Jesus preach to the spirits in captivity ?
(1 Peter 3:22, Colossians 2:15)
After that (Ephesians 4:8-10) and also (Luke 16:20, and 23:43).

Jesus was not giving the lost a second chance, but declaring that He was who He said He was and proclaiming His victory over death all the while revealing Himself to those who through faith looked forward to Him.

Read (1 Corinthians ch 15)

The resurrection is the triumphant and glorious victory for every believer in Jesus Christ who, died, was buried and rose again of the third day according to scripture and is coming again, The dead in Christ will be raised up and those who remain and are alive at His coming will be changed and receive new glorified bodies.