Friday, May 23, 2008




The milk of the Word has been watered down with lots of water.

Watered down milk is cheaper and easier to deliver to the masses than the heavier, nourishing, undiluted Word of the Lord.

The born again Christian desires and deserves the Pure Spiritual Milk ( 1 Peter 2:2) that has not been watered down with other things.

It is not man, but the Holy Spirit that opens a mans heart to understand.

So few seem to realize this.

It is a church age where Gods Word is proclaiming, Preach The Word (2 Timothy 4:2). Jesus (the Word) is outside the church knocking, yet it seems that no one has ears to hear.

What a blind church age it is!

Jesus is about to return; many signs increasingly testify to that fact.

Nevertheless, many churches will not teach Bible prophecy.

Even though much of the Bible pertains to prophecy concerning the end of the gentile age and the return of Christ, it is ignored.

Many churches teach on love, but have no love toward the born again person who is willing to take a righteous stand against the evil in this age.

They speak love and yet do not exhibit love in their lack of commitment to spreading the gospel of Jesus in their cities in the form of personal evangelism.

Many churches think they can see just how blind others are, but fail to see how blind they themselves are.

Many churches teach little or no Biblical doctrine, yet they wipe their mouths and say, “I have done no wrong”.( Proverbs 30:20)

In their blindness they have become the fulfillment of the Laodicean prophecies.

It is all too common to find church members who say they follow Christ, but are involved in every sort of sin imaginable.

Many of these same people hold positions of authority.

They may oversee the church’s businessaffairs, including the hiring and dismissing of pastors, yet they themselves, are spiritually dead and ignorant of Gods Word.

The church has been infected with leaven (false doctrine), which has grown like cancer, reaching to the very core.

The entire church is infected and sick, but does not know it.

Many missionaries take the false doctrine of the Laodicean church to the mission field and thereby further deceive the very people that he has come to teach.

Many missionaries partake of the heathen traditions of the indigenous population and in their futile efforts to win favor, exhibit an opposition to the Word of God.

When the missionary comes home he often has intertwined the pagan customs with the truth of the Word until neither is faithful.

It is wrong for pastors to allow heathenism, and the teachings of false religions into the church,….. to do so is sin.

Sin to those who bring the false teachings and sin to those who willingly or ignorantly allow it.

And sin to those who recognize the deception, yet do not have the courage to speak out about it.

There is one God and one Mediator, the man Christ Jesus.

No Buddhist, no Taoist, no Hindu, no Muslim, no Animist, no Coptic, nor any humanly Vicar, or their teachings have any place at the table of grace.

It was purchased by Christ and should be honored as such and not polluted with the doctrine of demons.

It is wrong for Christians to become involved in tradition that opposes the Word of God.

It is also wrong for Christian pastors to knowingly allow these practices among the flock of which they have been granted oversight.

To do so is willful sin on the pastors part and only serves to perpetuate the “leaven”.

Murder, theft, drugs, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, abortions, greed, materialism, swearing, hatred, and every manner of sin conceivable exist in our congregations.

Nevertheless, many of the unrepentant people that do these things will attend our churches this Sunday and never be told that sin is wrong, they will leave unchanged and unconvicted, being only emboldened to continue in iniquity.

In many churches the congregation is lead in song, after song, after song, until there is little or no time left for the speaker to bring the Word of God with the anointing of the Spirit.

The song is not the worship.

Throughout the ages the reading and preaching of the Word of God has been considered worship, and in many instances the congregation would stand for hours in solemn reverence as the Word was examined.

The truth of Gods Word has been abandoned and rejected by this generation, this abandonment has been perpetuated by a careless Church who has forgotten the Cross, the Blood and the Resurrection of Christ.

And replaced it with the feel good message of a false freedom to live in any manner that the individual chooses and still be accepted by a Holy and Just, God.

Recognize what is happening to this generation and weep for it, and teach the truth, in love, and in righteousness.

Colossians 4:12-13 “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I bear him record, that he hath, a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and in Hierapolis.”

Thursday, May 15, 2008



This is the church age from which the Antichrist will emerge.

It is the church age Paul talked about that would not “endure sound doctrine, but would gather around themselves teachers that would say just what their ITCHING EARS wanted and desired to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3).

Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming.

The first thing He said was, “Take heed that no man deceive you” , (Matthew 24:4) before Jesus ever warned about wars and rumors of wars; before He related about famines, earthquakes, and diseases; before He told about the Gospel being published among all nations, He warned about the age of religious deception that would come.

This is that church age.

In the history of the seven churches, there has never been a church age so filled with deceptive doctrines and ideas, yet so totally ignorant of its true condition.

In the church of Sardis (the “dead” church), there were only a few names that had not defiled their garments. (Revelation 3:4)

However in the Laodicean church age, there is not even a mention of even a “few” that are not blind and naked.

This is very much in harmony with the Scriptures relating the coming of the Lord being as in the days of Noah, wherein FEW souls were saved.

Despite the overwhelming witness of Gods Word, regarding this church, they are in total ignorance of the truth, often preaching just the opposite.

Today’s church is full of deception; it will perish.

It is a church where people are entertained and made to feel good, instead of falling upon their knees in godly sorrow for sin.

It is a church age for laughing rather that for crying.

It is a church age of saying a sinners prayer and believing a person is saved, even though afterward there is absolutely no evidence of repentance, the fruits of the Spirit, doing the will of God, or the fruits of the works of God.

In some cases, the preachers, know these things, but will not tell their congregations the truth.

Some are afraid that people might leave their church and go elsewhere.

They love the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Having lots of unsaved or lukewarm people means more to them than having a few hot, spiritual people.

It is a church that has time to do all manner of things, but does not find time to humbly dwell in and study Gods Word as if their life depended on it.

It is the church age when thousands of Christian preachers may preside daily over funerals declaring that the deceased person is now in heaven---when in reality, he is screaming, tormented in the flames of hell.

When have you ever heard a preacher at a funeral say that the deceased person went to hell?

The Bible clearly shows that only a few are truly saved by the grace of God; however, if one would listen to the preachers at funerals, it would seem that everyone goes to heaven.

The preaching in many of today’s churches, consists of foolishness, jokes, storytelling, and teaching what pleases people, rather than Gods pure Word.

They do not preach that even the “thought of foolishness is sin “(Proverbs 24:9).

Some of Americas best comedians are behind pulpits.

Should a preacher, who gets the congregation laughing with jokes, then expect people to fall on their faces before God with conviction for sin and with tears of repentance?

Is this the way Jesus preached?

Did Jesus try to comfort those that came to hear Him with jokes, foolishness, or other antics to cause them to laugh?

The preaching in far too many of today’s churches, consists of reading a few Bible verses; then listening to the preacher talk about himself, his family, and other incidents that may relate somewhat to the verses.

The people learn very little if any about Jesus.

They learn practically nothing of the Word of God and of comparing the Word with the Word.

On the other hand they learn too much about the preacher, his family, his friends, the things he has done, and the list goes on.

What a blind church age we live in, when we spend more time in conversation about books that celebrities have written, teaching them for truth, rather than studying the absolute truths found in the Word of God!

Friday, May 9, 2008


It has been some time since we have heard the voice so clearly as it speaks directly to us in this hour.

It is the same voice that the great prophet heard , “Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:” Isaiah 29:13.

We live in the age of “my personal rights” or the age of my will, my way, my life, my works, my wealth, my hopes, my service, my position, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine………………………………

We have people stand before us to declare to us how good we are, and that everything we touch will prosper, how that no harm will befall us, how that our plans mesh with those of Gods, all the while not having the intestinal fortitude to declare the truth to us that we all are sinners in need of repentance, that every thought of mans heart is continually evil, that there is none that seeketh after God, (in the manner that He would desire), that judgment is just a breath away, and that our nation is in grave danger of failing if those that should be salt do not turn back to the Lord in the way that He would prescribe, and quickly.

Whenever the Lord reveals Himself, things happen : souls are saved, lives are changed, families are restored, hearts are healed, and there is repentance.

If these things did not occur, then we should carefully test the spirits, to see just what they were.

And who welcomed them.

The glaring problem is not that the Church does not want to become what the Bridegroom would desire, it is just that they are no longer taught the truth nor given the tools to accomplish the very thing that God desires most.

Fellowship with His children.

Those who have come by way of the blood of the spotless Lamb of God.

Fellowship; that can only come through prayer.

Prayer, that is real prayer, and not just begging for more.

More for our lusts, and even more for the lusts of others who continually clamor to fill a seemingly bottomless bucket.

We never read of the disciples asking the Master for more wealth, earthly power, health, more skills or more of anything , with one exception as found in Luke 11:1 “And it came to pass, that , as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

They saw the Master as he labored in prayer, they were told by the Master that the deeper more difficult things could only be accomplished in and through prayer, by constant yearning, straining, groping, to get a better hold upon the Fathers heart and mind.

What then is this deeper prayer?

How does one learn to go beyond just asking Father to meet and to exceed our needs?

The Psalmists sets the perfect example in the 63 chapter of Psalms as he seeks the Father and His face by heartfelt worship.

Read vs. 1-8, that is the perfect example of prayer.

What do we see there.

1. Seek as in Jeremiah 29:13 “And ye, shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

2. Confidence as we grow closer to Father. Psalm 27:8 “When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord will I seek.”

3.We develop a Godly fear, which is a very good thing indeed. 2 Chronicles 12:14 “And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord.”

4. We find a real reason for living, Psalm 63:3 “Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.”

5. We find the place of true peace. Psalm 9:9 “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.”

6.The help we need, today and tomorrow. Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

7.Prayer teaches us to declare our dependence upon Him alone. Psalm 142:5 “I cried unto thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.”

8.Through prayer we learn to be satisfied, Psalm 63:5 “My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

Prayer is the willing confession to a Holy God that we need Him, desire Him, trust Him, long for Him, depend upon Him, love Him, and exhibit the urge to spend more time with Him telling Him that we only long to be His and His alone, and then listening as He whispers into our hearts, confirming that He has heard.

What could be better than that?

To have the Father tell you personally that He has heard your voice among all the millions of others.

Note: Look around and see the violence in the earth, in the atmosphere, in the movement of planets, and in particular the upheavals going on in ours, physically, politically, spiritually, and geologically. Things will occur this coming summer and early fall that will affect all of humanity.

The only hope that you have, that any of us have, is to be prepared through prayer.

We must learn to pray for our families, our communities, the leaders and defenders of our nation, for Israel, and for the soon return of King Jesus.

Ask Father what He would have you do in these end of days.

Jesus did, He prayed “not my will but thine be done.” Mark 14:36


Your grace has found me just as I am.

Empty handed,

But alive in your hands.

Forever I am changed by your love

In the presence of your


Friday, May 2, 2008


All of us constantly receive the message that even the smallest flaw somehow diminishes our value to society. Regardless of the product we buy, the program we belong to, or the faith we embrace, none of us can escape confronting our own imperfections.

Whether I am alone with my thoughts or in a crowded room or just looking at my reflection in the mirror, I’m reminded that I don’t measure up to the ideal. And since my flaws are more obvious to me than to anyone else, I may begin to think of myself as a statistic or failure.

People will do things in their quest for worldly acceptance that they would not have even imagined doing otherwise--from cosmetic surgery to suicide or murder.

If we could view beyond our earthbound perimeters into the heavenly realm----a place just as real as our own world but invisible to the natural eye----we would discover One who fully knows and appreciates our worth. It is a place where, “there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

Yes, Someone knows your true value and dignity can never be measured by a tailor, calculated by an accountant, molded by a surgeon, or applauded by an audience.

Because God has the ability to look beyond your shortcomings, you can be assured of three things.

1. God will use you for His glory.

Danger lurks behind feelings of inferiority. They can become excuses to disobey God spiritually and immobilize you. When God called Moses to lead Israel to the promised land, he tried to convince God of all of his failings, his speech impediment, his lack of leadership experience, his upbringing in a household led by worshipers of idols, and the murder that led to his fleeing into the wilderness. In my life and in yours Gods will marches forward regardless of our perceived shortcomings. Whenever I feel that others have cast me out, abandoned me, and written me off, I have learned to take heart as I know that I may be on the very threshold of being used by God in an extraordinary way.

2. God will accept you just as you are.

Psychologists say the need for acceptance is at the core of our social behavior. The greater our desire for acceptance, the more vulnerable we are to getting hurt emotionally or of succumbing to peer pressure. The road to peer pressure is paved with conformity to their expectations, but God loves me perfectly right now , He desires conformity to His expectations and plan, yet my failure to see His plan does not diminish His love for me. Jesus addressed this as He taught those in His presence the parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32). Your Heavenly Father is poised to accept you--- no strings attached.

3. God will honor your faith.

The Gospel of Luke records a story of an encounter that Jesus had with a Roman military official whose slave was dying. The messengers sent to contact the Christ and to plead with him for the slave were fully persuaded that their master was worthy to receive a miracle. After all, he was an active supporter of the religion of the Jews. They wasted no time in bringing this to the Lords attention. But as Jesus approached, we find that the mans assessment of himself was not nearly as grand as those around him. He sent a second group to seek the Lord and to relay the message: “Lord don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But if you will only say the word, then I know that my servant will be healed.” (Luke 7:6-7) Think of it a man highly esteemed within his community, did not see himself as deserving a face to face dialogue with Jesus. Yet his readiness to take Jesus at His word was praised and rewarded.

You may measure yourself as a nobody, while others around you think differently. And yet, the miracle is that God honors your faith.

God will take our weakness, our doubts, struggles, and immaturity, and look beyond them if we only take Him at His Word, remembering His promises and living in the fact of (Matthew 10:30-31).